Question for non-Roman Catholics (and maybe RCs!)

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First, please let me prequalify my question as being sincere and totally without malice. :angel1:

I will show my extreme ignorance :whacky: and probably close-mindedness, but, if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?

I ask because I can’t imagine myself going to a Baptist board (e.g.) and posting, etc., unless it was to try to convert people and/or defend the Catholic faith. To explain and further show my close-mindedness, it boggles my mind when “liberals” are regular listeners of “conservative” talk shows. If I were to listen to a “liberal” talk show I’d just get frustrated. :banghead:

So there. Now everyone knows what an unimaginative person I am! :o Thanks for your responses (if any!).

God bless,

As a former Lutheran, I came to Catholic boards to hear their side first-hand, rather than through the lenses of non-Catholic interpretations.

Or are you referring to people who come to the board to take potshots or “sheep steal”? If so, I dunno. I think some have a Daniel-in-the-Lion’s-Den complex. Or a quixotic mentality imagining the big, bad Catholic Church as Goliath and themselves as the tiny David armed only with their Bibles.

First, please let me prequalify my question as being sincere and totally without malice. :angel1:

I will show my extreme ignorance :whacky: and probably close-mindedness, but, if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?

I ask because I can’t imagine myself going to a Baptist board (e.g.) and posting, etc., unless it was to try to convert people and/or defend the Catholic faith. To explain and further show my close-mindedness, it boggles my mind when “liberals” are regular listeners of “conservative” talk shows. If I were to listen to a “liberal” talk show I’d just get frustrated. :banghead:

So there. Now everyone knows what an unimaginative person I am! :o Thanks for your responses (if any!).

God bless,

I as a catholic frequent non-catholic boards in order to learn as much about them as what I can learn about my faith.
I will show my extreme ignorance :whacky: and probably close-mindedness, but, if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?
  1. To learn. There is no one better to explain a given system than those who hold it.
  2. I love church history. As such, I have to interact with the main churches and ideas involved in that. Ergo, talking to Catholics gives me a good perspective on how they see it.
  3. To defend my own confessional position when it is misrepresented or attacked.
In my case, I was raised Catholic, and retain a love for Catholic people, the Catholic Church, and some of its theology that I believe to be correct in opposition to my fellow Evangelicals who throw the baby out with the bath water. I also love listening to CATHOLIC ANSWERS.
First, please let me prequalify my question as being sincere and totally without malice. :angel1:

I will show my extreme ignorance :whacky: and probably close-mindedness, but, if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?
I mimic my brother Ken as to his reasons, but a part of me just wants to annoy people :whistle:

You know I’m kidding :hmmm:
So there. Now everyone knows what an unimaginative person I am! :o Thanks for your responses (if any!).
Actually, we all need to become a bit more “unimaginative” considering when we do get “imaginative” we usually wind up sounding pretty dumb. So here’s to “unimagination” Cheers!

First I will show my extreme ignorance :whacky: and probably close-mindedness, but, if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?
Hi, Debbie!

Please don’t think I’m being a smart-aleck or trying to play word games with you, but I am not a Roman Catholic and yet I am still “Catholic,” just as many other frequent posters here at this forum are! I am a Byzantine Catholic, a member of one of the Eastern Catholic Churches that make up the “Eastern Lung” of our Holy Catholic Church. Just like the Roman Catholics, the Byzantine Catholics fall under the pastoral care of our Holy Father, John Paul II, the Pope of Rome, although our liturgy and ceremonies differ greatly from what a typical Roman Catholic may be used to. No matter how great the differences are, though, we are still Catholic, and as such our Sacraments would be just as valid to you as if you had received them in a Roman Catholic Church.

You ask, “…if you aren’t Roman Catholic, why do you choose to come to this message board?..” My answer is twofold:
  1. I come because, as I understand it, this board is for Catholics, NOT just Roman Catholics, and I AM a Catholic;
  2. I come because I truly believe that there are too few people who know anything at all about the Eastern Catholic Churches, and I feel a sort of obligation to my Church to “spread the word” not only to non-Catholics, but also to my Catholic brothers and sisters who may not know much about us as well.
BTW - your question is not at all “ignorant” or “closed-minded”… it is exactly the kind of question that offers much-needed openings in the lines of communication between Catholics and non-Catholics, AND among Catholics ourselves! Thanks for asking it, Debbie!

a pilgrim
Thanks, all, for your responses! I guess my brain doesn’t have enought empty space left for much info on other religions–it’s all I can do to continue learning my own! Most impressive on your parts! Again, basing my curiosity on my own limitations.

Who knows, I might just do a little surfing and lurking!

God bless,

Scott Waddell:
I think some have a Daniel-in-the-Lion’s-Den complex. Or a quixotic mentality imagining the big, bad Catholic Church as Goliath and themselves as the tiny David armed only with their Bible.
Do you think any succeed? Just curious, has anyone out there or does anyone know of anyone who has been converted to a different religion by this method?
Personally I enjoy swimming in shark infested waters. Its a challenge for me to see if I get caught in the jaws. Just kidding, I love to fellowship with other christians. Hopefully we will learn from each other. Anyone know how many rpms it takes to kick in my appoligetic motor 👍
Personally I enjoy swimming in shark infested waters.
I myself often frequent message boards in which the majority is not Catholic and even some very anti-Catholic forums. I, as a Catholic, am very interested in how we are portrayed by other Christian denomiations and jump in every now and then for doctrinal corrections. 😉

Pretty much what these folks say - as a non-Catholic I want to fellowship with my fellow Christians and learn about Catholicism, but I also occasionally attend Mass and singles’ group as well.
I think it is wonderful non-catholics visit this forum. It is great to have dialogue with other christians. Non- catholics will also learn what catholics really believe, not what protestants think we believe. Seeds will be planted.
Hi Debbie,

You are correct that some Protestants are trying to convert in Catholic forums, very few Catholics with strong apologetic knowledge goes to Protestant boards but not much because there is not much of anti-protestantism compared to anti-catholicism.

I grew up as protestant christian and I used to be anti-Catholic and reading much out of Chick Publications and protestant pastor tends to give anti-catholic remarks. But in the past when I met a girl (now my wife) who is devoted to Catholicism and I asked her some questions about Catholicism that prompted me to study more. She did not try to convert me and all that changed the way I view catholicism by dropping down the protestant lens, and hear out both sides.

Some protestants are closed-mindness and if they won’t listen or allow open space for discussions-- kept attacking with anti-catholic quotes – Then they are real jerks.

I already converted to Catholic because I studied too much (which is a good thing!) and boards did help me to get straight answers.

I welcome any protestants, and advise them to put anti-catholic lens down. If they don’t understand, pray for them.
I have no problem w/ non Catholics coming to this, or any other Catholic board, for fellowship, or to ask questions, or out of curiosity. I get mad, however, when the anti-Catholic ones come here just to bash us and throw Scripture around to “prove” our beliefs wrong-especially when they misrepresent our beliefs, then insist that they’re not misrepresenting! Then, when we throw Scripture back at them, we’re told we’re misinterpreting the Scriptures (yeah, for 2000 years we’ve been misinterpreting. You discovered the “correct” interpreted no more than 500 years ago. Right.). They seem to just want to start a fight, and, like another poster mentioned, have some David and Goliath complex. I wish they’d stay away. This is a Catholic board, we’re not going to be swayed by simplistic arguments that we’ve all heard 1000’s of times before (“the Bible forbids necromancy…, there is only one mediator b/t God and man…, if you confess the Lord Jesus w/ your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved…”), we have the correct interpretation of those Scriptures. After all, it’s our book, you wouldn’t even have it if it wasn’t for the Catholic Church.

Whew! Sorry to go off on a tangent like that and vent, that’s just something that’s been bugging me since I came to these boards. I really don’t hate Protestants (or non Christians, for that matter), my husband’s one, just don’t come here for the sole purpose of telling us we’re wrong, misled, and (my personal unfavorite) not “saved.” Everyone else: Welcome!
As a Protestant I came to learn. I was already more than halfway convinced to become Catholic but I just wanted to make sure and I’m not just talking about doctrines. I wanted to see what kind of people Catholics were and on the internet you can get right into someone’s mind. I wanted to know if they ‘reallly really’ believed what they said they did and I also asked rather bumbling inane questions but they were used to it and patient with me when they realized I was NOT trying to attack then or had any kind of agenda.

dream wanderer
As a Catholic, I have frequented non-Catholic boards because they were misrepresenting my faith and I would not let it go unanswered. It takes a lot of time and effort to be the only one defending the Catholic position but it has helped me grow in my faith. I have no idea what my impact on them has been.
I was on an ex-christian web site and they blocked me after 3 postings:crying: but I still posted to them via a proxy server, anyway I left them to it.

Then I went to a so called Christian website, and they blocked me:D seems they want to preach but don’t dare preach back.
All their time is wasted on kicking the Catholic Church in the teeth, so their religion isn’t really a religion to me, it’s just the religion of kick the Pope Christs representive on earth.
So basically if Jesus started the Catholic Church they are going against Jesus whether they like it or not, the truth is painful some times.
If I thought the Protestant faith was the true faith I’d join it in the morning, but it’s man made and not Devine like the Catholic Church.
There are hundreds of religions, wonder why they waste their time abusing us, where do they get time for prayer ?
Anyway I wont be joining them anytime soon, so they can preach untill the cows come home.:yawn:
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