You can definitely Plan your Family Naturally even if you have irregular cycles! It’s great that you want to start even before you’re married–that’s what I did, too.
Because your cycle (mine, too) is longer and less predictable, you might want to consider learning the sympto-thermal method, which combines charting 1) morning temperature patterns, plus 2) cervical fluid, and also 3) cervical position. You’ll be amazed at how confident you’ll feel. Try to get your hands on as much information as possible–I cannot count how many web hours I logged just trying to learn as much as possible about this amazing & intricate design of God’s called the female reproductive cycle!
Also, I was worried that because of my cycle’s irregularity, I might have difficulty conceiving if it indicated some sort of hormonal problem. I would have been able to go to our nearby NFP fertility expert fully prepared with my years of charts…excepting that we DID conceive & that wonderful little life will make his or her face known to us in December–yahoo!