Hypothetical 1: Bob and Beth marry in the Church. They then divorce, seek an annulment and the annulment is granted based on some reason “A”.
Hypothetical 2: Jim and Joan marry in the Church. On their wedding day Jim and Joan have the same defect (reason “A) present as Bob and Beth. However, because of many reasons (love, faith, etc.) Jim and Joan overcome this defect and live happily ever after.
Is Jim and Joan’s marriage valid?
Thanks is advance for your answers.
Hypothetical 2: Jim and Joan marry in the Church. On their wedding day Jim and Joan have the same defect (reason “A) present as Bob and Beth. However, because of many reasons (love, faith, etc.) Jim and Joan overcome this defect and live happily ever after.
Is Jim and Joan’s marriage valid?
Thanks is advance for your answers.