Question on Ellen G. White

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I’ve heard some say she is considered a prophetess in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Is this the same as say Joseph Smith in Mormonism? Like are her writings considered to be “scripture” in the SDA church?
Here in the South there are many people that self style as prophets, apostles, and even saints. It is the statecraft of prideful churches/religions seeking legitimacy through Biblical titles.
Ellen Gould White wrote more than forty books and several thousand magazine articles. She wrote very quickly, and after her death she was accused of plagiarism. In fact she herself admitted, in the introduction to her book The Great Controversy, that she had sometimes quoted, without giving due credit, certain historians whose "statements afford a ready and forcible presentation on the subject."

There’s plenty of information about her in Wikipedia:

Interesting. So basically they take the words of one person.
I will never understand how people can base their beliefs off what one person claimed.
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