In Matthew 5:18, Jesus said “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”
By saying “when all is accomplished,” did Jesus mean at His death and resurrection? I have to assume yes, because we’re no longer going around refusing to eat shrimp or wear cotton-polyester clothing (in other words, we no longer follow all the laws of the Old Testament). But on the other hand, not everything is accomplished- part of God’s plan still needs to be fulfilled or Jesus would have come for the 2nd time and the world would be over, right?
By saying “when all is accomplished,” did Jesus mean at His death and resurrection? I have to assume yes, because we’re no longer going around refusing to eat shrimp or wear cotton-polyester clothing (in other words, we no longer follow all the laws of the Old Testament). But on the other hand, not everything is accomplished- part of God’s plan still needs to be fulfilled or Jesus would have come for the 2nd time and the world would be over, right?