Question on Our Lady of Fatima Statue

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Hello. I am going to be hosting the local travelling statue of Our Lady of Fatima in my house for a week. She is currently visiting my brother’s house and we had a little party for Her last night.

Incidently, as we were driving home, I asked my 11 son what he thought of Her. He said he felt a sense of peace from Her. That is sooooo cool!

Here is my question. Around Her neck she has a gold chain with a gold ball that hangs down to her chest. What does that symbolize?

Also she has a star on her dress near Her feet. What does that symbolize? It appears as if it is the Star of David but in person on the statue, it is an 8 pointed star.

Hello. I am going to be hosting the local travelling statue of Our Lady of Fatima in my house for a week. She is currently visiting my brother’s house and we had a little party for Her last night.
Not to raise a stink or anything but…

“we had a little party for Her”???

And we wonder why Protestants and Orthodox have issues with us at times.
Not to raise a stink or anything but…

“we had a little party for Her”???

And we wonder Protestants and Orthodox have issues with us at times.
I think having a little party for her is neat. When I read “party for her” I thought of the word “celebration” which seems very appropriate considering who she is. As for the Protestants/ the Orthodox having issues with us I have to say, “No big deal”… it’s always been that way and I feel it won’t cease anytime soon. As long as one’s faith in God is solid who cares what others think.
To the author of the original post, I'm sorry as I have no information to give you on your questions.
sheesh - ByzCath. Wrong choice of words. Prayer service. Hold it - I do not think it was the wrong choice of words as Our Lady was a person and I am sure loved parties. Yep - we had cake and ice cream too and the entire family was there. In her honor. I care little what the Protestants think of my devotion practices.

And the real point of my post was for info - not to get blasted that we had a party in honor of Our Lady visiting the house.

If you had royal company, wouldn’t you have a party?

Thanks, Lorrie for your support in the party/celebration area. You’re invited to my house to visit Our Lady.
I naturally assumed it was a prayer serivce. Prayer is suppose to be celebratory and not always mournful. Of course I should never assume anything…
sheesh - ByzCath. Wrong choice of words. Prayer service. Hold it - I do not think it was the wrong choice of words as Our Lady was a person and I am sure loved parties. Yep - we had cake and ice cream too and the entire family was there. In her honor. I care little what the Protestants think of my devotion practices.

And the real point of my post was for info - not to get blasted that we had a party in honor of Our Lady visiting the house.

If you had royal company, wouldn’t you have a party?

Thanks, Lorrie for your support in the party/celebration area. You’re invited to my house to visit Our Lady.
(added bold to make the area stand out that I’m responding to)

Thank you for the invitation but I live in Arkansas (soooo far from NY…lol) and you’re welcome on the support, obviously some people freak out for no reason. I hope you find the answers to your questions as I’m curious now too, I’ll research it a bit and if I find anything I’ll post it here. 🙂
I think I heard that the eight points of the star represent the seven continents and heave, but I don’t remember where I ehard it, so I don’t know if th source is accurate. I will look around, but I am hoping that with all the people on this site who are far more educated than I, that an accurate answer will come sooner.
Thank you for the invitation but I live in Arkansas (soooo far from NY…lol)
please! - tis but a small day trip. Come on over and I’ll have the coffee brewing. 🙂
I think I heard that the eight points of the star represent the seven continents and heave, but I don’t remember where I ehard it, so I don’t know if th source is accurate. I will look around, but I am hoping that with all the people on this site who are far more educated than I, that an accurate answer will come sooner.
What is the heave? Never heard of that. hmmm interesting.

Hey - you wanna come for a little party/ prayer service /celebration since Lorrie can’t come? Not that you are my second choice, mind you. But she seems to have an issue with distance.
What’s a few miles between friends. 🙂
What is the heave? Never heard of that. hmmm interesting.

Hey - you wanna come for a little party/ prayer service /celebration since Lorrie can’t come? Not that you are my second choice, mind you. But she seems to have an issue with distance.
What’s a few miles between friends. 🙂
Hours of traveling in a car or standing in line at the airport would be nice…NOT! LOL! Although it is tempting. 😃

I could get to Lorrie’s quicker, as she is only one state over. Bout 9 hours drive time. But, I think I’ll pass. Nice thought though. 😉
How does one have an event like this?

I am curious as to the structure, apparently prayers are involved, would we pray a litany? Is there a procession?

I could see doing something like that with the Infant Jesus of Prague, with Psalms, litanies and blessing prayers plus discussion afterward. I have in mind something modelled after the Liturgy of the Hours, but this sounds much more celebratory.

If you could, would you mind sharing some info about what it’s like?


I know of a Legion of Mary that has a traveling statue same as you mention, it stays in the home for up to two weeks per time, they have an opening and closing ceremony along with rosary and prayers in between. I have attended several of these in Sarasota FL and they are indeed a “party” and weather permitting if the next house is close there will be a procession. When you see families open their home even to strangers and the devotion even among the children you will indeed feel you have been to one of the best of parties

Check with your Legion of Mary, they may have this custom also, you might also check out any large Phillipino population as their culture promotes this.
Sounds like a great party, bu unfortunately, I will have to pass as I live in the Bible belt too.
I am sure no matter what you do, if the service is reverent and in the spirit of honoring the Blessed Mother, she would be very grateful. But to have cake and ice cream, that may be too much. A pot luck dinner with plesant, joyful talk, that is great.
BUT we DO have to remember that the Blessed Mother, Theotokos only directs us TO her Son. When we honor her with thanks, we are thanking Her for saying ‘Yes!’ to carry our Savior in her womb.

In the Easter Catholic Church, we honor our the ever-Virgin, Mother of God with some wonderful prayers and a reverent akathist (an akathist is a special devotional prayer).
We even mention her in out Divine Liturgy every time it is celebrated.

Keep the service reverent and you will be fine. Sorry I wouldn’t be able to attend, but the thought is there.

God IS with Us!
Sounds like a great party, bu unfortunately, I will have to pass as I live in the Bible belt too.
I’m sure the neighbors would understand.:eek:

They might contribute a brightly lit cross to the festivities.
They are such hypocrites…if statues are so worng then why all the mager scenes this time of year? If it’s not relgious, than it’s commercialism, which Jesus through out of his Temple himself.
Dear Jrabs

A party is appropriate, a party is exactly what Mass is, most people think only in secular terms of what a party is, but there is such a thing as a solemn party/celebration. Also many times after Mass people gather together to have coffee, tea, and biscuits and cakes. This is the social aspect of the church and there is nothing wrong with it.

Mass is a thanksgiving, we all know that Eucharist means thanksgiving and it is a party, albeit solemn. It is a joyous occassion and you have celebrated Mary in your home and that, dear friend is a fine thing.

The globe in religious imagry is usually in reference to the world. I cannot be sure that that is the reference here. As for your other questions, I don’t know the answers.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Back to the inital question!

The adornments you see on the statue are there becuase of the recorded description of Lucia. In her book “In Lucia’s Own Words” she describes the Blessed Virgin in great detail but does not offer any idea as to what the cord or the star represent (indeed if they represent anything atall) I would suggest that the star at her feet represents and gives great gravitas to her title “Queen of Heaven” or “Morning Star” etc but there again it is only my humble opinion.

I have searched for you and can find no explaination of what it is actually meant to represent. I suppose we could go through all the apparitions and ask what the different clothing and adornments represent and find that they all lean towards her titles as given in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin.

Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the covenant,
Gate of Heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of all Saints,
Queen conceived without Original Sin,
Queen assumed into Heaven,
Queen of the most holy rosary,
Queen of Peace
Seems like far more titles than eight to be representative of tha star. I am tempted to write the Blue Army and ask them. Usually with these images, there is a reason for everything.
I did some searches and this is what I found:
The pre-Christian figure of the Eight-point Star was adopted by the Christians as a “concealed” Christmon during the Roman persecut ions. In Christian symbolism, the eight-point star refers to regeneration through Holy Baptism.
EIGHT – POINTED STAR – This pre-Christian figure, an eight-pointed star drawn without lifting the tool from the surface, was adopted by Christians as a “concealed” Chrismon during the Roman persecutions. The crossing lines reveal Chi’s, Rio’s and crosses to the initiate. When this design is used, one remembers that it was not always easy to be a Christian, not even in name alone.
In Christian symbolism, the eight-pointed star refers to regeneration through Holy Baptism. 1 Peter 3:20, 21.
The eight-point star itself symbolizes the Christian Church as a guiding light to mankind, showing us the way to the Heavenly Jerusalem and it represents the Virgin Mary, depicted in Orthodox iconography with a veil decorated with three eight-pointed stars.
The Five-point Star represents the Epiphany Star; Our Savior; Manifestation of the Wise Men; “Our Star out of Jacob;” “the bright morning star.” Matthew 2:1-11; Numbers 24:17; Revelations 22:16
The Bell throughout the centuries has been used to call people to worship.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything about a chain with a ball at the end.


Instead of the object being a ball, I think it is an orb. The chain and orb represent Faith.
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