Question on Theology of the Body

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I went to a presentation by Christopher West and would have liked to ask this question: Nakedness is portrayed as good in the Garden of Eden, but it still seems to me that clothing is appropriate because not all levels and kinds of nakedness are appropriate between all people. Wouldn’t Adam and Eve have had a nakedness appropriate to each other alone, and don’t clothes protect that particular relationship? In other words, while I realize that one aspect of clothing is that it is a protection against lust, a protection that wasn’t needed before the fall, wouldn’t different levels of intimacy still be appropriate between different people if there had never been a fall? In a perfectly ordered society, say, in heaven, I would not have to “hide” myself emotionally or spiritually from other people. But here on earth, where there are relationships that need to be defined in a certain way because of the nature of the relationship (families in general and married couples in particular), wouldn’t clothing basically be a good symbol for and expression of the facts of those relationships, even without the complication of the Fall?

Has anyone heard Christopher West or another TOB speaker address this type of question?
Because of Original Sin, we are only capable of seeing through the eyes of a fallen world. We’ve not been privvy to the perfection that Adam and Eve were created through and lived in before they succumbed to temptation. Therefore, we cannot imagine the freedom in which they lived, and that we’ve never experienced.

Without lust in the picture, they never viewed one another as an object to satisfy their own desires. Their love was completely self-giving, not just reduced to sexual desire for self-fulfillment.

No need to cover anything at that point. They had complete and total freedom and complete and total gift of self.

Now it’s a compelling question as to how the scene would have played out if the story went on in perfection after children came into the picture.

I suppose we could wonder if we’ll be clothed in heaven. We read in Revelation that the “white-robed army of martyrs” worship before the Lamb. Do Jesus, Mary and the angels appear dressed in apparitions to those on earth for their sake or for our sake? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Very interesting question - thank you!

I have heard Christopher West’s presentations and have studied JPII’s Theology of the Body loosely, but I’m not aware if either of these men have said anything about this particular question.
Thank you, az. Christopher West did mention something about the “white robes” and the “woman clothed with the sun”. I guess part of me wants to believe that there is some kind of clothing in heaven, but yes, that thinking is very much influenced by the fact that I’ve only known a fallen world - as is all of our thinking. I can’t imagine how crushing it must have been for Eve to lose the level of relationship she had had with Adam.

Christopher West’s website gives an opportunity to submit questions. If he answers mine, I will let you know.
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