Greetings in Christ, I cannot go to Mass due to the current pandemic, so I’ve begun to watch The Tridentine Mass each Sunday. This is my first experience with this Mass and I really love it. I am using the booklet with the Latin on one side and the vernacular on the other side. Just a few questions:
God bless you and Mary keep you.
- I have heard that after the Preface of the Roman Cannon is said/sung that we should not use the booklets (or limit their use) and silently follow the priest until at least the PostCommunion. Should I do that, or is it okay to use the Missalettes for the whole Mass, even during the consecration?
- I decided to read the Mass for this Sunday and not use a Missalette this Sunday and instead just watch the Mass. Is that a good idea?
God bless you and Mary keep you.
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