Question or two about etiquette

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My 8 year old daughter asked me this yesterday, and I didn’t know what to tell her.

She wanted to know when can she (us) dip her hand in the holy water and make the sign of the cross when entering and exiting. She also wanted to know when she could kneel before entering the pew.

My wife, myself, and two children are currently in RCIA(RCIC) and enjoy it.

My 8 year old daughter asked me this yesterday, and I didn’t know what to tell her.

She wanted to know when can she (us) dip her hand in the holy water and make the sign of the cross when entering and exiting. She also wanted to know when she could kneel before entering the pew.

My wife, myself, and two children are currently in RCIA(RCIC) and enjoy it.

Basically, I would start whenever I knew I believed as the Church believes.

The use of holy water is a sacramental and, unlike the sacraments, can be used by anyone, not just by Catholics. It reminds us of our baptism (or our desire to be baptized if you aren’t already).

We genuflect (kneel on our right knee) towards the tabernacle as we enter and exit our pew or whenever we cross in front of the tabernacle. We do this as a sign of honor for the Body of Christ reposed there.
My 8 year old daughter asked me this yesterday, and I didn’t know what to tell her.

She wanted to know when can she (us) dip her hand in the holy water and make the sign of the cross when entering and exiting. She also wanted to know when she could kneel before entering the pew.

My wife, myself, and two children are currently in RCIA(RCIC) and enjoy it.

Welcome. this coming sunday at mass you can bless yourselves with the Holy Water. You also should be genuflectingtoward the Taburnalue as you enter and exit the Pew.
Just thought I should mention that it is not the hand that is dipped into the Holy Water, but just one finger (a fingertip should do) and then that finger is used to make the Sign of the Cross.

I also consider this to be a tie to our roots from the Jewish faith related to cleansing before entering the temple. When I bless myself I feel connected to those roots, to the Church, and to my baptism.

I think beginning now is fine and shows respect for the Church and for God.
When I was in RCIA our priest told us that any of us that where baptized could/should bless themsselves with the holy water when entering/exiting the church. He recommended that the unbaptized among us refrain from doing this because it was a remembrance of the baptismal (sp?) vows. He also encouraged all of us (baptized and unbaptized) to gentruflect when entering/exiting the pews.
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