Question regarding anger

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As I look around me I have become much more aware of the evil and injustices of our society. As I pray more to purify myself they become ever more real and intense. This in turns makes me angry at the injustices that I see. What should I do with this anger. I know that righteous anger is not sinful, because Jesus was angry at the temple when they were using His Fathers house for the wrong reasons and wrong way.

What do I do with this anger…it eats at me…and I do not think that this is healthy. Are any of you dealing with this as a result of the Terrie Schiavo case? I would appreciate your insights and suggestions…
Gospel, thank you for being so brave with your feelings. I too have been angry over the Terri Schiavo situation. So much so that my husband and I got into it with his parents on Easter Sunday of all days. It was not pretty. It alarms me that people see her suffering and starvation as ok. The one thing that keeps me from not being as angry is that she is doing this for others. I was telling a religious friend of mine that when I am angry that I look at Terri as a saint. She said how about looking at her as a Martyr. That is what has kept me for being less angry with these people fooled by the culture of death. Also pray for those who are in the dark that this is actually murder and they begin to see this. Especially for her guardian.

Would the following help?
The word “emotion” literally means “to get us into
Anger is often the emotional response to a real
[or perceived] injury.
Emotions are a gift of God, because He made us
and equipped us with emotions.
In the instance of Teri Schiavo…anger is justified,
as I watch a great injustice [injury] being done in
full view of the American public.
[you could say that I am injured watching her being
injured to death.]
The emotion…anger…gets me into motion…in a
variety of ways…letters to the editor, taking part in
a vigil or protesting outside the hospice.
If I’m not in Florida, I can decide to commit myself
more firmly to prolife activities, in memory and in
honor of Teri.
But, most of all, I can get into “motion” by praying-
for Teri, for our country, for a “great awakening”
among the American people.
The helplessness each of us feels in not being
able to do anything fuels the emotion of anger.
Sometimes, something as simple as a bike ride,
cleaning our house, painting a fence, will help
reduce the pent up feeling of anger…and help
reduce the physical symptoms that can accompany
I’m so out of shape, that if I tried to run around the
block to let the physical symptoms of anger subside,
I’d probably be found laying on my nose, in even
worse shape! So I content myself in cleaning out
the refrigerator…doing something!..and praying for
Teri while I’m doing this.
Hope this makes sense and helps a little,


PS There is also an element of frustration in seeing
what’s happenig to Teri Schiavo. Frustration is the
emotion I experience when a goal I have [helping Teri]
is thwarted by circumstances beyond my control or
ability to influence, constructively. Another reason
for some level of physical activity to reduce the
physical symptoms created by frustration.
This is why it must cause suffering in a person who
for medical reasons cannot engage in much or any physical

I pray to the God of Israel and hope that Jesus
is the Messiah.
One more thought.

Can you imagine what the mother of Jesus must have
felt, standing at the foot of the cross and not being
able to help or save her Son?
Mary understands our feelings of helplessness and
frustration, I think.

Reen12 I felt the same why you did about the Blessed Mother and Terri Schiavo’s mother. Who by the way her name is Mary too. Being the mother of 4 children I feel her pain so deeply. Helplessly as she watches her child die who didn’t have to !
The word “emotion” literally means “to get us into
Anger is often the emotional response to a real
[or perceived] injury.
Emotions are a gift of God, because He made us
and equipped us with emotions.
Well said, reen12!

I sometimes struggle with anger too, and frequently reflect on Jesus’ righteous anger at the temple as Gospel brought up in his original post.

The trick is to make sure my anger in righteous, and to be sure that I don’t let my anger lead me into sin. I like the idea that emotions should get me into positive “motion”. Some things should get us angry, and we should use that emotion to make a positive change to bad situations.

But far too often I let anger lead me into sin, and that just makes the whole situation worse.
I’m so glad Gospel brought up this topic. I, too, get so angry at all the injustices in our own country. I especially hate those who attack the Church, both from without and from within. How does one maintain an attitude of “fraternal correction” without slipping into “self-righteousness” when the other person appears so blind and intent towards leading others to sin?

Thanks to those who’ve reminded me that we do need to pray. It’s NOT about me trying to force the other person to see things MY way. It’s about God. I guess I need to learn to be content at doing what I can, then leaving it all up to God. I do hope that Terri’s ordeal will soften people’s hearts so they’re no longer hardened towards destroying life. I was hoping that a similar awakening would occur after 9/11, but it seems that people are intent in indulging in their sins.
'The justice of God is not served by the wrath of men"…St James
Dear gardenswithkids,

How true, how true. How many times have I let anger
lead me to sin? It’s a good thing that we can repent
and ask for forgiveness.
My husband and I think your signature is great!
Mommies changing the world, one diaper at a time.

Kindest regards,
From St Josemaria Escriva,
God our Father has seen fit to grant us, in the heart of his Son, “infinite treasures of love,” mercy and affection. If we want to find evidence that God loves us — that he not only listens to our prayers but anticipates them — we need only follow the same line of thought as St Paul: “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things in him?”

Grace renews a man from within and converts a sinner and rebel into a good and faithful servant. The source of all grace is God’s love for us, and he has revealed this not just in words but also in deeds. It was divine love which led the second Person of the holy Trinity, the Word, the Son of God the Father, to take on our flesh, our human condition, everything except sin. And the Word, the Word of God, is the Word from which Love proceeds.

Love is revealed to us in the incarnation, the redemptive journey which Jesus Christ made on our earth, culminating in the supreme sacrifice of the cross. And on the cross it showed itself through a new sign: “One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water.” This water and blood of Jesus speak to us of a self-sacrifice brought to the last extreme: “It is finished” — everything is achieved, for the sake of love.

More to follow
Today when we consider once more the central mysteries of our faith, we are surprised to see how very human gestures are used to express the deepest truths: the love of God the Father who gives up his Son, and the Son’s love which calmly leads him to Calvary. God does not approach us in power and authority. No, he “takes the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of man.” Jesus is never distant or aloof. although sometimes in his preaching he seems very sad, because he is hurt by the evil men do. However, if we watch him closely, we will note immediately that his anger comes from love. It is a further invitation for us to leave infidelity and sin behind. “Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?” These words explain Christ’s whole life. They allow us to understand why he has come to us with a heart made of flesh, a heart like ours. This is a convincing proof of his love and a constant witness to the mystery of divine charity.
John Russell Jr said:
“Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?”

Yes, I do need to remember this. Thanks.
What do I do with this anger…it eats at me…and I do not think that this is healthy. Are any of you dealing with this as a result of the Terrie Schiavo case? I would appreciate your insights and suggestions…
I agree! It is not healthy to be eaten up by anger! Anger can destroy and then we can be led away from God! :bigyikes:

I think the problem has to be dealt with at more then one level:


Be sure to do fysical training every day (20 minutes per day is enough to get rid of the fysical “slag” that stores itselves in your muscles as a result of “inside anger”)! Please don’t forget to drink wather before and afterwards!


Tell Jesus that you are angry and why and ask him to carry it for you! He can take everything!

3) PRAY!

The Rosary is perfect! Our Lady is the best example on being able to see much unfair and still go on with life in an apropriate manner!

**The serinity prayer is often at great help: **
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Here is an other one:

Lord Jesus,
you told your friends
not to worry about the future.
You showed them
how to have the attitude of simple trust
that young children have,
so that they could place themselves
into the caring hands of your Father.
And so I ask for the power of your Spirit
that I may remain positive
throughout all that is ordinary in my daily life.
I know that your touch
can change people and situations,
and so I ask you
to join me in offering to our Father
not only the good things of this day
but also the suffering and sacrifices
that I want to offer cheerfully and lovingly,
and in a quiet and hidden way.
And so may any difficulties
and frustration and pain of this day
be transformed in your presence
for the benefit of other people. Amen.

And one more:

Lord, it’s good
to be actively concerned
about the abuses of human rights
in other countries,
but I must not lose sight
of the mis-treatment of others closer to me.
Most particularly, Lord,
point out to me my own failings
in lacking respect
for those who come into my daily life.
I readily condemn slavery,
but help me to liberate those I know
who are overburdened.
I condemn torture,
but lead me to discourage the use
of cruel words and actions.
Remind me
that those who degrade others
are themselves diminished.
Enlighten me
so that I do not
jump to conclusions about people,
or be judgmental.
Lead me always to respect individuals
for who they are,
realising that their experiences
may be different from my own,
as each follows paths in life
that are individual to them.
May I grow in appreciation
that those who think differently from me
can hold equally valid views.
In these and other ways, Lord,
may I grow in respect for all people.
This day, may others respect me
as much as I respect them.


Bless yourself and ask for the Holy Spirits guidance and help to not be so angry.


A good book written by a christian (not catholic) clinical psychologist:Warren, N.C. “Make anger your alley”, Thyndale House Publisher, Wheaton, Illinois, 1990 Third edition.
ISBN 1-56179-707-3

The priest may advice you how to act next time you get angry! The feeling in itself is not sinful, but when it gets so strong that it “eats you up” it is a danger to your health and that danger you will have “to beat” in a healthy and christian way.


Hope some of this helps you to grow in Holyness and help you not to get prisoned by your own anger! 👋

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