Question regarding fasting

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There is a certain sin in my life which I have fought for many, many years. After doing some reading and studying on prayer and fasting, I was thinking of attempting a 40 day fast. When I say a 40 day fast, I mean by that of fasting one meal a day–primarily lunch. I wish to combine this with prayer as a form of repentance and reparation to God for this one particular sin. I also wish this exercise to be one of disciplin, which I am sorely lacking in my life. I wish to ask for Gods help during this time to overcome this sin.

I was wondering what you folks think about this. Should I attempt this fast? Should I start with smaller fasts? I really want this sin out of my life and wish to make a seriouse attempt of ridding myself of it.

Any advice that you could give would be extreamly helpful…
Dear friend

God will crown and bless your efforts because of your sincere and heartfelt intention to cease offending God by this particular sin, even if you may fall into this sin again, it is your desire and intention to love and please God done in love that will bless you greatly.

I am presupposing that you confess this particular sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, each time you confess it with a clear intention to try not to repeat it, you receive graces in the confessional to resist the temptation not to sin this particular sin again…‘and with the help of Thy GRACE, I will try not to sin again’ (Act of Contrition). I am also presupposing that you are creating an environment for yourself where you can avoid the near occassion of this sin, that is removal of all obstacles that may lead you to commit this sin.

I am also presupposing that you are praying for graces to resist this sin from Jesus, The Holy Spirit and God the Father and that you are also seeking the intercession of all the angels and saints that you feel an affinity to and also your Blessed Mother Mary…you have alot of help there to rid yourself of this sin!!

So if you are doing all of this, then why fasting? Are you in good health enough to miss a meal everyday for 40 days? If you are a parent who has young children, extended fasting of this fashion is not recommended, because you have to be in good health, mind and body to fulfill your duty to God, to care for them.

It is true great graces are bestowed upon a soul that fasts. Though dear friend a fast of 40 days is extreme and difficult (it takes great graces to fast, especially for something this long, Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days and 40 nights) and if you are unable to achieve it, you may then feel a sense of never being able to conquer this sin, which is not true, as all things are possible in the Lord. If I was you, I would go before the Blessed Sacrament and keep an Holy Hour when work permits, and ask the Lord Jesus for all the graces possible to resist this sin and rid your life of it. I would then promise Jesus to fast every Friday for nine months for the grace to resist this sin and rid your life of it and for love of Jesus who suffered on Good Friday. This would be more realistic, achieveable and demonstrate clearly to our Lord that you are sincere of heart and that you are willing to sacrifice in order to be blessed with graces to conquer this sin.

Dear friend, my heart melted when I read your post, your heart is known to Jesus, He knows how serious you are in ridding yourself of this sin and God loves you always the same whether you sin or not, He will bless and crown your intentions, trust Him that He will. Your desire is so bold and sincere within you that you would desire such a sacrifice of yourself to please your Jesus, He will love your heart for this.

Pray, hope in Him and don’t worry, the Lord knows your heart and loves you, He desires your happiness and if it is to be free of this sin that will bring you happiness and God deems it essential for your salvation, then by much prayer and love your sin will be taken from you.

I will pray for you. At the end of the day it is up to you what you decide to do, but before you embark on this fast if you still deem it necessary, speak with your Priest when you go to confession and ask Him about it. I am sure He will deter you from such an extreme fast, purely because you are so contrite and sincere in your heart, this alone is enough to warrant blessings and graces from the Lord. You feel this sin requires such a fast because it weighs heavily upon you, before you carried this sin, our Lord did on the Cross. Believe in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and it’s power of absolution and the graces bestowed upon you each time you confess a sin.

My heart, prayers and love is with you

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

It really depends on how much you presently eat. If you are use to three full-size meals, then cutting back just to one might be a shock to your system especially if you do it for forty days straight.

Have you considered doing your fast during Advent. Advent will be here within the next couple of weeks. By fasting during established religious holydays, feast days, etc.; our prayers are joined with others and can be more effective.

I would suggest one full meal a day with two smaller meals which do not equal one full meal during the days of advent and maybe on the Fridays of Advent, you can try the fast that you suggested.

This is, of course, that you are in reasonably good health where fastings wouldn’t have any adverse effects.

Once you see that you are successful on this fast, you can try a more stricter fast for the season of Lent which comes early this year. It is better to be successful in a moderate fast than to fail at a stricter fast and as in all things in life, you may need to work up to it gradually.

And as Teresa9 correctly pointed out, begin your fast by going to confession and try to go to communion as often as possible.
I appreciate your advice. Teresa, I am working on all the things you suggested. I stillfeel the need to fast though. I am in reletively good health, am a little overweight, so missing a few meals should not have an adverse affect on me. I agree that maybe 40 days right off the bat may be a little extreme.

I also have 2 small children and a wife, so maybe 40 days would be too much. What about breaking it down to 10 days? If I can manage it at work here today, I am going to go to conession and request some advice from the priest also.

This sin that I have is very difficult to break. I promise to take advantage of everything you all have suggested. I will let you know what the preist told me after conession.

P.S. Teresa–your note has warmed my heart also–thank you for your concern…
Dear friend

You sound such a beautiful soul. Thank you for your kindness.

We all struggle with a particular sin, it is a cross to bear and you don’t bear it alone, Jesus is always with you helping you to carry your cross.

I’d agree with what you have said, maybe 10 days would be better, but as you have said, speak to your Priest, he will give you the best guidance, he is the shepherd of your soul on earth, ‘another’ Christ to you, it’s his duty to guide you.

I will be thinking of you, my prayers are with you for a good open and frank confession and for peace to your spirit regarding this matter (confession always brings peace). Please take the advice of your Priest, we must obey our Priests, he has your soul’s interests at heart.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

We all have spiritual battles in our lives. Sin is usually the cause. If we keep opening the door to satan by sinning he comes in. Its time to close the door. You need to start speaking Gods Word against this sin dayly. It is Written,satan has got flee. 👍
Thanks Teresa & spoken word. I appreciate yours, and everyones help.

Is there any special prayers that I can say or ones that you can recommend?

I have also posted prayer requests for my situation on three different message boards. I need all the prayer and encouragement I can get. This is a battle for my very soul. One that I have been “playing” at getting rid of for years. I feel though that I have never really made a seriouse attempt at it. I guess I have been fearful of the pain, and the humiliation of tackling it head on. There are times when I feel very strong, and times when I feel very, very weak…

How do you all prepare for spiritual battle? How do you prepare for the battles that eventually must come?
Thanks Teresa & spoken word. I appreciate yours, and everyones help.

Is there any special prayers that I can say or ones that you can recommend?

I have also posted prayer requests for my situation on three different message boards. I need all the prayer and encouragement I can get. This is a battle for my very soul. One that I have been “playing” at getting rid of for years. I feel though that I have never really made a seriouse attempt at it. I guess I have been fearful of the pain, and the humiliation of tackling it head on. There are times when I feel very strong, and times when I feel very, very weak…

How do you all prepare for spiritual battle? How do you prepare for the battles that eventually must come?
Hi Gospell,I admire your openess to tackle this situation you are in. How many times will we hurt our Lord with the same sin over and over again. You need to nail that sin to the cross this day and every day… First when you do battle with the enemy you need to put on the armour of God. Read Ephesians,Ch 6.This will tell you how to put Gods Armour on. Now that you have His Armour on you can begin to speak Gods Words. Example, Father in the name of Jesus Christ I take this sin [name it] and I nail it to your cross,for you have died for my sins. I will no longer be a slave to this sin Lord for you have come to set me free. Please Lord help me to crucify my flesh dayly. I want to serve you and love you.Satan you have no authority over me for you have been defeated by the precious blood of Jesus. The victory has already been won. I am a child of God,and I am His property. I thank you Lord for this victory and I claim it now in Jesus name. Amen. Pray this every day and Jesus will set you free. God bless.
Spoken Word,

Thanks for your encouragement and the prayer. I read it and I feel the power of God in it.

I just came back from confession–it sure does feel good to be clean! When I asked him about fasting he suggested that I spend 15 minutes in fronnt of the blessed sacrament every day next week for my penance. He said that it would be ok to fast, but I should concentrate on the quality of my actions, not the quantity. He did not state that I could not fast so I will give up my lunch every day next week along with going to adoration. This will satisify for my penance and it willallow me to give something extra to God in an act of repentance to say that I am sorry…

I will see how this fast goes. If it goes well perhaps I will seek another one…
Spoken Word,

Thanks for your encouragement and the prayer. I read it and I feel the power of God in it.

I just came back from confession–it sure does feel good to be clean! When I asked him about fasting he suggested that I spend 15 minutes in fronnt of the blessed sacrament every day next week for my penance. He said that it would be ok to fast, but I should concentrate on the quality of my actions, not the quantity. He did not state that I could not fast so I will give up my lunch every day next week along with going to adoration. This will satisify for my penance and it willallow me to give something extra to God in an act of repentance to say that I am sorry…

I will see how this fast goes. If it goes well perhaps I will seek another one…
Dear friend

😃 I am so very pleased for you and so very proud of you!!! Your though to give up your lunch for a week is fantastic and a good fast that will bring you many graces. Spokenword has given you the best advice…when you feel the urge to be tempted into this sin, say the name of ‘Jesus’ think of Him and all He has done for you and fight it with all your might and love of Him. Evil cannot stand the name of ‘Jesus’, everything evil flees even at His name.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Spoken Word,

Thanks for your encouragement and the prayer. I read it and I feel the power of God in it.

I just came back from confession–it sure does feel good to be clean! When I asked him about fasting he suggested that I spend 15 minutes in fronnt of the blessed sacrament every day next week for my penance. He said that it would be ok to fast, but I should concentrate on the quality of my actions, not the quantity. He did not state that I could not fast so I will give up my lunch every day next week along with going to adoration. This will satisify for my penance and it willallow me to give something extra to God in an act of repentance to say that I am sorry…

I will see how this fast goes. If it goes well perhaps I will seek another one…
Your welcome, I believing in unity that you will overcome this sin. Im looking forward to your testamony in this situation on How the Lord has set you free. We will be praising God together. God bless you.
Thanks spoken Word, I appreciate all your encouragement. Keep praying for me and I will pray for you and everyone here who has been so helpful.

I will share with you what is happening…
Dear friend

You are in my prayers always now. Not just for this sin, but in thanksgiving for your beautiful spirit, you remind me of the woman who was to be stoned for adultery, and because of her humility, the Lord defended her and forgave her and sent her away not to sin again.

Dearest friend, my heart and love is with you, my prayers closely after. Spokenword has a beautiful spirit, his soul is beautiful, his words are beautiful and he means them , every last word, I too will be waiting to hear of your progress, because there will be…and praise to God when there is …

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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