Question Why am I having such resistance with Perpetual Adoration?

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I have been trying to get Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in my area and I’m running into some set backs. I live in the Fort Worth Diocese and I know our Bishop has encouraged the laity & priests to step up and do this. What I’m finding is that there are certain parishes that you can’t even get an appointment with the pastor and if you do the answer is ‘no’ before you even sit down. No matter how many creative solutions I have brought up there seems to be an excuse. “Well two adores is sufficient but we really need three or we can’t pull it off. This building is not reverent enough. We need to put security measures in place so we’ll just wait until we build a new chapel (heard this one just about everywhere). I will look at this in a few years.” … I mean we have about 350 adorer between two off the parishes, and a group of Knights of Columbus that are willing to take the late night shifts! I even asked if someone donated a building specifically for this use in a central location of the area in need, had security measures put in place and got enough adorers, would THAT be enough to bless the building and allow people to have this form of worship or are we just content to hold Jesus prisoner in the tabernacle? They laughed at me! To top it off we had a Catholic high school right down the street from us that failed and instead of taking those small buildings and trying something out like what I suggested above, the are leasing it to a protestant church. It’s painful to drive by it everyday! I guess I just get the impression that PEA is so far down on the list of things they would do with their time and budget I don’t know what to say except, Poor Jesus.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love our priest and I did get the full explanations on why they felt the way they did from those that would meet with me but honestly, it’s not good enough to say “one day we will have a chapel.” Because the next question out of my mouth was, “so then you will have PEA or at least extended hours of adoration when the new chapel is built?” and the answer was “we’ll see”.

I’ve been going to the priests individually and Adoration coordinators(who have been so helpful and encouraging) but I am thinking I may just need to go to the Bishop directly with this. I mean is my idea crazy or breaking the rules or something, because no one has told me that it would be impossible, just that they will look at it in a few years??🤷 I would love some suggestions before I go bothering the Bishop.
Perhaps he’s testing the depth of your community’s committment.
I don’t think your idea is crazy or breaking rules by asking for a place to have Perpetual Adoration. Please keep seeking answers. I am so very blessed, my church has a chapel with Perpetural Adoration, I’m a regular visitor. My time is Friday nights, I will pray for you and your community. God Bless you.
I don’t think your idea is crazy or breaking rules by asking for a place to have Perpetual Adoration. Please keep seeking answers. I am so very blessed, my church has a chapel with Perpetural Adoration, I’m a regular visitor. My time is Friday nights, I will pray for you and your community. God Bless you.
Friday nights must be a primo time slot, eh? 🙂 Way to go! God bless!
You may want to start smaller. Get permission to have adoration a few hours each day. Then when you have that well covered, get permission for a few more hours. Try to get to the point where you have adoration from maybe 6am until midnight. Then tackle the overnight time if the main issue is security. My church does not have perpetual adoration as I am in a small parish. But we do have security lights outside everywhere. Any where you walk of drive in the parking lot the lights go on.

Maybe check with other churches who have perpetual adoration and see what they do for security.

I don’t think bringing this up to the Bishop is unheard of since you have so many details in place.

I will be praying for you.
First of all, thanks for the prayers! We really do need them!

In one of the parishes we have very well established hours but they are only during the day, but praise the Lord, it is very well used! I did ask if we could try extending them or even have a trial period over Lent or something but the answer was the same. In my parish we were given 15 different excuses why every other day, time, and place was not going to work. We were only given Wednesday 10-6 and sometimes they cancel it for funerals and other events without notice. We actually have a separate building that has an empty room we could fit 14 chairs into comfortably, it was perfect! But the pastor said that it wasn’t big enough or nearly reverent enough. But the church ‘costs to much to keep open all the time’ so…?? (*on a side note, I attended a CRHP retreat recently and these women turned a Men’s restroom into a beautiful powder-room, so I know we could have done the room up beautifully.)

One of the biggest problems in TX is that we have HUGE dioceses and the distance from parish to parish is crazy. I asked the two larger parishes on the edge of a huge gap in our diocese to go in on this with us but to no avail. I have a 25-35 minute drive to my parish and I live comparatively closer than many of the parishioners. Who knows, maybe God’s plan does involve a centrally located makeshift chapel? Thanks again for the prayers! God bless you!
Today is a special day in the calendar of the Church:

The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul
Already in the twelfth century there was being celebrated today the anniversary of the dedication of the basilicas of St Peter at the Vatican and St Paul in the Via Ostiense by Pope St Silvester and Pope St Siricius in the fourth century. More recently this commemoration has been extended to the whole Church, honouring the two greatest apostles of Christ just as the anniversary of the dedication of St Mary Major (5 August) celebrates the motherhood of the Virgin Mother of God.

Dear Holy Spirit,

In honor of this Feast Day of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, may there also be more dedications of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapels.

:angel1: :highprayer: :angel1:
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