Question: Yves Dupont

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I was reading up on the Great Chastisement and Marie-Julie Jahenny’s prophecies, and came across someone named Yves Dupont. Is there anything from the Church about him? If not, any thoughts on people who know of him?

Yves Dupont was a French convert and traditionalist who specialized in studying Catholic prophecy, like apocalyptic stuff, and wrote one or two books on his theories of the apocalypse based on all his studies. At some point he moved to Australia and became really active in the Australian Latin Mass Society which opposed the Vatican II reforms and eventually aligned with SSPX.
He died in 1976.

TAN Books published at least one of his books about prophecies, but it is out of print.

There is a long article about the Australian Latin Mass Society that has some biographical info about Yves Dupont here (Starts on page 87 of this magazine issue) journal 2014 for website.pdf
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I’ve only come across his book on prophecy. Unfortunately, its liberal use of ellipses and patching together different prophecies or parts of prophecies out of their natural order often has a misleading effect as to their actual content, as if the author was trying to support a particular narrative…
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Yeah, I don’t doubt it. He seems to have thought the Commies and Muslims would take over Europe which would then be saved by a glorious and holy French king.
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