Can a student that is studying to become a catholic priest have a girlfriend? Or will that ruin he’s chances of becoming one?
Most priests I know involoved with seminarians urge caution in these relationships. Of course the students must be able to relate to women, so there is nothing particularly wrong with having friends who are “girls”. But girlfriend, as in sweetheart, that is definately a cause for concern, according to those I know. Priests in training are being formed towards a life of celibacy, and tht is a factor never ignored.Can a student that is studying to become a catholic priest have a girlfriend? Or will that ruin he’s chances of becoming one?
Most seminaries don’t explicitly prohibit seminarians from dating, but all decent seminaries will discourage it very strongly (leaving aside the issue of Eastern Catholic seminaries, since I assume that isn’t the case at hand).Wow these are some interesting answers thanks y’all. I guess i’ll give it a try. But I am in texas. See what happens, cuz I have a crush on this one student that is going to become a priest like in a year or so.
so you are saying that student studying to become priest can date as long as they want before they become a priest? so it won’t effect their chances of becoming one? but they can’t have a decent girlfriend?two answers have been given, and both are true.
one - it’s ok for priests in training to have girlfriends. one bit of wisdom i’ve picked up while preparing to enter the jesuits is ‘don’t be a jesuit til you’re a jesuit.’
on the other hand, sexual purity is a must for all catholics, and as this area can be difficult for priests (abstinance isn’t easy), it’s imperative that priests in formation abstain from physical relationships before entering.
so - a good answer is probably: dating is ok for to-be-priests, but having a ‘girlfriend’ can be tricky, and perhaps not wise. it does, of course, raise the obvious question: what is the purpose of the relationship? if you’re ‘just friends’, then there’s no reason to be ‘exclusive’. if you’re interested in MORE than friendship (i.e. marriage), then it raises questions about the priesthood.
does that make sense?
Good for you. To be honest I just read the first postIs that question for me or the other person? Cuz i know i can’t marry him, Me and him just agreed on being friends and hangingout with eachother every now and then its not like its a every day thing.