I know many people must have thought of this argument but i must reiterate it. The Church syas God gave us sex to give life. I don’t see any reason to doubt that. It says God also gave us sex to express love, fine wiht that too. Furthermore It says that God commands us only to have sex within marriage, I think that is a beautiful thing. But doesn’t the fact that it is pleasurable mean that God gave it to us to give/recieve pleasure as well. I would add as a side note that while I am not sexually active I write this post in defence of my parents who only have me, their one child. My mother had her tubes tied long ago to prevent another pregnancy because there was a 65% chance of her dying. I say that sex within the bounds marriage that does not bear children should not be regarded as sinful on the basis that it fulfills two of the churches reasons for why God gave us sex; why must people who do not want children be prevented from partaking in the greatest expression of love between them?