Questions about criticism against Christianity

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I’m sorry if I made an incorrect question title. But, I wanna know if there are Christian YouTube channels that preaches all the time about God and Bible just like MercifulServant does. But, I’ve been wondering for sometime, are there non-Christians like Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims who start to troll Christians on some Christian YouTube channels and start to spread mischief as usuall? Because, I have the impression that only to us it happens this for Christians to come on Islamic YouTube channels and start to be abusive and I wished to knoe if there are Christian YouTube channels that does the same thing and also get abused by non-Christians on comment sections with foul language and so on. And my mom told me that there are also Christian YouTube channels that happens the same as what it happens to MercifulServant channel(aka to get abused). I don’t say that I doubt she told me, but I wanna to know also from you as a means of confirming the claims which my mom told me, because I’m not sure whether she said is true or not. And she is Orthodox Christian.

Thank you

P.S. I know it’s horrible not to trust my own parents. But, the reason for doubting is because I believe that this happens only to our Islamic YouTube channels and not to Christian YouTube channels. Because, usually people do that because they have pure hatred towards Islam and us just because of what terrorists(khawarijites) do and say in the name of Islam. And I do not know whether there are Christian terrorist groups or not that is synonym to it. If there would be non-Christians who wpuld abuse and troll Christian YouTube channels for preaching Bible like Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists etc… I would be happy and content, because that would make me realize that we are not the only people and only religion who’s critiqued.

I hope you understans me
I can tell you that this site gets multiple trolls rather frequently, including anti-Catholic bashers. If we do, I can’t imagine Catholic channels on YouTube not receiving the same flak.
Are you saying that I’m troll?? I didn’t mean to troll. I asked just in pure curiosity only. Why do you believe this is trolling?
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Are you saying that I’m troll?? I didn’t mean to troll. I asked just in pure curiosity only. Why do you believe this is trolling?
No, Fauken is saying that there are Christian-bashers out there. They post on this website. They go to Youtube. I’m not sure what part of the world you’re from, but I frequently see people (mostly atheists where I’m from) who love nothing more than to go to Christian Youtube channels or news sites or this website and post insults. There are polite and charitable atheists, too, of course.

Trust me, there are people in every camp (Christian, Muslim, Atheist. etc…) who are just hostile to others and seek out places to vent that hostility (this is called “trolling”).

Keep in mind that some Youtube videos have closed comments or only allow comments if they’ve been approved by video-poster. That will filter out a lot of hostile comments.
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Thanx for response. I’m actually from Bucharest, Romania.
There are polite and charitable atheists, too, of course.
I find that even the ‘polite’ atheists on CAF bottomline message is usually ‘I’m smarter than any of you, I don’t care that over 99% of the world believe in God or gods they are all stupid or deluded’.
That shouldn’t bother you. Because when they say that, they actually mean that they do not believe in anything when in fact their belief is Darwinianism:))))) Myself I don’t pay attention and I can take what the Atheists say as a joke.
Am fost cândva creștin, dar acum nu mai sunt. Am abandonat Creștinismul permanent și asta e decizia mea finală. Dar acum sunt Musulman Ortodox sau tradus in Arabă drept ca Sunni referitor la Tradiție.

Dar cât despre Romania, sunt la momentul de față in România.

Și plus că eu am credință că Dumnezeu m-a ghidat către religia tuturor Trimișilor Lui Dumnezeu.

Dar sunt Român Ortodox Musulman.

Dar ce importanță are că sunt Musulman? Și eu cred în Dumnezeu, dar eu nu-L asociez cu nimeni și nimic din Creația Sa. Și nu spun că El are fiu, pentru că conform credintei mele, dacă spun că Dumnezeu este in Treime sau are fiu, atunci asta ar însemna cel mai mare păcat și unu neiertător și voi fii condamnat in Iad pentru spusele mele. De asta, prefer să nu spun că Dumnezeu are fiu și să nu spun că El E în Treime. Pentru că nu e nici-o altă divinitate înafară de El și E Absolut Independent. Asta e practic ceea ce și evreii cred. Asta e credinta pe care o am la momentul de față.

Și plus că e alegerea și decizia mea finală de a fi Ortodox Musulman, și sunt hotărât să rămân Ortodox Musulman pentru tot restu’ vieții mele și așa vreau să mor.

Sper că nu vă deranjează pentru alegerea care am făcut-o.
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Well, of course I don’t mind. It is your choice. And i can understand why your mother, being an Orthodox christian, seems upset.
Dar nu înțeleg de ce vii la un forum romano-catolic.

De altfel, cât costă o pâine astăzi în România ? mulțumesc.
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Pemtru că vreau să coexist într-un mod pacific cu Creștinii. Și plus că vreau să dovedesc că Islam este o religie bună, nu rea așa cum unii cred despre ea. Pentru că după înțelegerea mea, oamenoi văd Islam in ochii Musulmaniilor și le interesează ce fac ei în numele religiei respective. Cum ar fii, Cruciații au făcut lucruri rele in numele Bibliei, dar acum nu mai e așa. Dar grupări precum ISIS și Al Qaida, au făcut exact la fel ca Cruciații, și vreau să dovedesc că sunt și Musulmani buni nu doar răi. Și vreau să dovedesc că nu am aceași gândire și mentalitate cum au teroriști.
Încă un lucru. Eu nu am folosit Google Translate ca să vorbesc din Engleză în Română. Ca să nu ziceți că v-am mințit despre originea mea naturala. Eu folosesc Google Translate extrem de rar, numa’ atunci când mi se întâmplă să uit un cuvânt când vreau să-o traduc. De-obicei fac asta în timpul școlii când mă pune profa de Engleză să scriu o compunere complicată.

A-ți putea să-mi ziceti și mi-e douâ forume?
  1. Protestant-Lutheran
  2. Ortodox.
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I’ll just point out that any religious YouTube channel that allows comments will get awful, hateful and spam like comments no matter what religion. It’s why more and more of them have disabled comments.

It’s not a unique experience to any one religion including atheist ones!
I think every religion has its haters and trolls against it.
I’m more aware of anti Catholic and anti Protestant trolls, but it makes sense that there would be anti Moslem trolls too.

Some people just like to mess with other people and they think they’re funny.
YouTube’s comment section is just a mess. A lot of the bigger Breadtubers have mods on their comment sections to skim the worst of them off. Smaller channels that lack that organisation can get swamped.
I agree…the comments on YouTube have become a cesspool! I seldom even skim them anymore. You could post a video explaining why the sky is blue and half the commenters will trash it! 😂😂😂
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