I’ll elaborate a little here. For years before we “saw the light” we were on depo. Then after that she had 16-52 day cycles for about a year. our weak understanding of sympto thermo and our weird temps, cycles and lack of self controll led to 1st bundle of joy. then her period didn’t return for 8 months and it was 2 cycles not even close to each other. (this I attribute to her body “starting up” again. = bundle of joy #2
One important point here is that we are committed to using NFP, and even though the 2 we have so far weren’t planned they are appreciated and loved more than anything…God really did know what was best for us and I am glad we trust Him. We cant imagine our lives different than they are now. And we wouldn’t have had that if we were doing all the deciding like so many couples tend to do nowadays.
Again one of the reasons NFP is so hard for us is if we take the time, 6 months or so, to figure her rythm out we really put a strain on our physicall relationship, (we love the unitive act)

This is why the 1st two times failed, on the second one we knew we were being risky however the self controll would be less of a problem if she were working like clockwork. ( I realize that few women do.) We know the practice and rules and everything in the ccl book, we can quote it like scripture it just doesnt seem to translate to our lives well. That is why I am wondering about other methods.