Questions about different NFP methods

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My wife and I have just had our second child in 2 years. We have used NFP but found it difficult due to my wifes irregular cycles. We are at a point physically financially and emotionally that we need at least a 2 year break. We have used the sypmto thermo method but it is hard with the irregular temps and cycles. Our new daughter is 6 weeks old and we are currently breastfeeding but not eccologically and her period has not returned yet. We have heard that Creighton method might be for us however we don’t even know where to start and there is no one teaching it within 500 miles of us. Any insight or a point in the right dirction is appreciated.
We use the Creighton model, and my wife has an irregular cycle. It works, although it’d be hard for your wife to learn to understand what’s going on without instruction.
I currently use Creighton method and my DH and I like it. I have heard of some teachers doing distance teaching where they send you the info and you have followup’s over the phone. This may be an option for you. I hope that you and your wife find something that works for you.
I think with all the technological capabilities you could web cam and talk on msn with an instructor to learn Creighton if you wanted to.

I’d also reccommend looking at the site below and contacting the instructor in the nfp section - she’s helped others I’ve sent her way including a mom breastfeeding and one with irregular cycles.

Creighton only watches external observations - I think the ccli one is better - but I’ve never really stuck with the temp part.
Diet can be a big factor - have you looked into that?
CCli has a book or two out and Feingold diet might have information.


here’s there companion site’s link on NFP
Thanks all. As some of you know this is such a difficult thing. But we know to always follow what the Lord and our Church teaches. It seems to me that sympto thermo is better at cross checking itself and is probably better at covering all the bases however it is hard and hasn’t worked for us to date.
It seems to me that sympto thermo is better at cross checking itself and is probably better at covering all the bases however it is hard and hasn’t worked for us to date.
You make an important point. The best NFP method is the one you and your wife are confident in using and will use. So, what is best for one couple may not be best for another. It is great that you and your wife recognize you may need to make a change… for now at least.

BTW, the research on the CrM found the method effectiveness to avoid pregnancy was over 99% and the use effectivesness to avoid pregnancywas 96.8%.
Has your wife tried regulating her cycle with nutrition/vitamins or a visit to the Dr to see if there’s something they can do? I’m not sure exactly what you mean by irregular, btw. All women have cycles that vary from month to month. Very few women have perfect 28 day cycles. If they are extremely irregular, I would try taking care of that problem first and THEN decide on a method.

Here’s a book that might help:
Fertility Cycles and Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon

That’s the beauty of the Creighton model. It allows you to gather the proper information to fix the problem rather than only treat the symptoms.
And like I have to say every time: the sympto-thermal method can give you the same or similar info. It comes down to having a doc that can look at a chart and see the problems there. Each form of NFP can give valuable health info, it’s finding a doc that can help you that’s the problem. Not everyone can go to the Pope Paul Institute for help NOR has a pro-life NFP only doctor near them. Please, all of us have our preference for one form of NFP over another, but to discount all others because of YOUR preference is not giving full info to people. Each method has it’s high points and it’s drawbacks and each couple needs to find the method easiest for them and it often helps to practice the method where they can get help near them. I’m personally grateful that there IS a choice of methods…

You CAN check to find various NFP doctors in your area.

Has your wife tried regulating her cycle with nutrition/vitamins or a visit to the Dr to see if there’s something they can do? I’m not sure exactly what you mean by irregular, btw. All women have cycles that vary from month to month. Very few women have perfect 28 day cycles. If they are extremely irregular, I would try taking care of that problem first and THEN decide on a method.

Here’s a book that might help:
Fertility Cycles and Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon

I’ll elaborate a little here. For years before we “saw the light” we were on depo. Then after that she had 16-52 day cycles for about a year. our weak understanding of sympto thermo and our weird temps, cycles and lack of self controll led to 1st bundle of joy. then her period didn’t return for 8 months and it was 2 cycles not even close to each other. (this I attribute to her body “starting up” again. = bundle of joy #2
One important point here is that we are committed to using NFP, and even though the 2 we have so far weren’t planned they are appreciated and loved more than anything…God really did know what was best for us and I am glad we trust Him. We cant imagine our lives different than they are now. And we wouldn’t have had that if we were doing all the deciding like so many couples tend to do nowadays.
Again one of the reasons NFP is so hard for us is if we take the time, 6 months or so, to figure her rythm out we really put a strain on our physicall relationship, (we love the unitive act)😃 This is why the 1st two times failed, on the second one we knew we were being risky however the self controll would be less of a problem if she were working like clockwork. ( I realize that few women do.) We know the practice and rules and everything in the ccl book, we can quote it like scripture it just doesnt seem to translate to our lives well. That is why I am wondering about other methods.
And like I have to say every time: the sympto-thermal method can give you the same or similar info. It comes down to having a doc that can look at a chart and see the problems there. Each form of NFP can give valuable health info, it’s finding a doc that can help you that’s the problem. Not everyone can go to the Pope Paul Institute for help NOR has a pro-life NFP only doctor near them. Please, all of us have our preference for one form of NFP over another, but to discount all others because of YOUR preference is not giving full info to people. Each method has it’s high points and it’s drawbacks and each couple needs to find the method easiest for them and it often helps to practice the method where they can get help near them. I’m personally grateful that there IS a choice of methods…

You CAN check to find various NFP doctors in your area.

I’ve got no beef with other methods. My response was mostly too; " I would try taking care of that problem first and THEN decide on a method." Which is backwards.
I’ll elaborate a little here. For years before we “saw the light” we were on depo. Then after that she had 16-52 day cycles for about a year. our weak understanding of sympto thermo and our weird temps, cycles and lack of self controll led to 1st bundle of joy. then her period didn’t return for 8 months and it was 2 cycles not even close to each other. (this I attribute to her body “starting up” again. = bundle of joy #2
One important point here is that we are committed to using NFP, and even though the 2 we have so far weren’t planned they are appreciated and loved more than anything…God really did know what was best for us and I am glad we trust Him. We cant imagine our lives different than they are now. And we wouldn’t have had that if we were doing all the deciding like so many couples tend to do nowadays.
Again one of the reasons NFP is so hard for us is if we take the time, 6 months or so, to figure her rythm out we really put a strain on our physicall relationship, (we love the unitive act)😃 This is why the 1st two times failed, on the second one we knew we were being risky however the self controll would be less of a problem if she were working like clockwork. ( I realize that few women do.) We know the practice and rules and everything in the ccl book, we can quote it like scripture it just doesnt seem to translate to our lives well. That is why I am wondering about other methods.
She should try to figure out why her cycles are still irregular–she might be able to fix them through diet, vitamins, and such. Also, changing methods won’t fix the “self control” issue 😃 That’s something that takes, well, self control 😛 I don’t blame you for looking at other methods, one might work better for you both! But finding out why she’s irregular would be the place to start!

God bless,
I’ve got no beef with other methods. My response was mostly too; " I would try taking care of that problem first and THEN decide on a method." Which is backwards.
And my point was they should stick to the method they know, take their charts to someone that can help them, figure out the irregularity and THEN decide if the method they are using is not the right fit. It seems like it would take MORE time to learn a new method and then try to figure out what’s wrong. Learning to chart a new method takes time.

And like I have to say every time: the sympto-thermal method can give you the same or similar info.
Jennifer, the CrM does provide information other NFP system can’t. For example, you just can’t calculate a mucus cycle score with any other system. However, temps are useful in id’ing low thyroid function, and you just don’t get that info charting CM. 🙂
For years before we “saw the light” we were on depo. Then after that she had 16-52 day cycles for about a year. our weak understanding of sympto thermo and our weird temps, cycles and lack of self controll led to 1st bundle of joy. then her period didn’t return for 8 months and it was 2 cycles not even close to each other.
This is not uncommon following disontinuation of Depo. I am very familar with post-Depo cycles from a clinical and personal standpoint. I have my Depo horror story. :mad:

It may not be a bad idea to discuss this with a physician, but I suspect the Depo and post-partum/breastfeeding have palyed a significant role in the irregular cycles. Jennifer has some good suggestions (though I am not a fan of vitamins).

I am a FertilityCare Practitioner (I teach Creighton), so feel free to pm me.

God bless!
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