With all due respect, to some extent, I think it is a good idea not to “read too much into this incident”. Re-read it with a sense of humor.
They were at a party. The wine was flowing. Everyone was having a good time. It was an innocent time, before things got really serious. Jesus was displaying the proper behavior of a loving son to his loving mother.
Mary was a Jewish Mother. She talked like a Jewish Mother. She uses the Standard Guilt Trip employed by EVERY mother “against” her son(s).
Jesus’ mother says to him: “they are out of wine”. [Meaning: our friends will be embarrassed. And you know YOU CAN FIX THIS MESSY AND EMBARRASSING SITUATION. SO FIX IT. THIS IS YOUR MOTHER TALKING. I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU. I NURSED YOU. SO FIX IT. ]
Jesus replies, “My time has not yet come”. [Meaning: it is not yet the right time for me to announce to the world that I am the Messiah, the Salvation of all mankind, the Hope of the Jewish People, the Son of the Living God. ]
Mary behaves like a Typical Jewish Mother. She doesn’t even look at her son. She ignores him. “Motherly Contempt”. She KNOWS her son so well, she knows he will do what she says. *
[Keep in mind that much later on, as the Queen of Heaven, Mary has pretty much the same role… if Mary says to Jesus in Heaven …" take good care of Al – his is a family friend" – then you can take that to the bank… Jesus is still the Obedient Son. Also it’s a reminder … be VERY respectful of and nice to Mary… she is God’s MOTHER !!! ]
Anyway, she turns to the headwaiter of the catering hall and says, “Do what he tells you.”
At this point, Jesus buries his head in his hands and shakes his head. Visualize a scene and a script line spoken by an actor like the guy [John Ratzenberger} who played the character Cliff Klaven in the TV show “Cheers”: “Maaaaaa!!!”
So, the obedient son, says “go fill up some jars with water.”
“Now taste it.”
Jesus now turns to his mother and doesn’t say anything, he just looks at her in a sonly, lovingly, smilingly exasperated sort of way as if to say “are you happy now? you made me blow my cover.”
And then he laughs, sort of at himself, how pretentious… and has a drink.
Things are going to get really serious, really soon. It’s ok to lighten up once in a while.
[Remember that God does have a sense of humor… He created the aardvark, the platypus, the camel… and He braided the rings of Saturn.]*
Um, all i can think of is this little smiley -