I know that in my diocese, priests take one day off during the week, and they get 2 weeks of vacation per year plus a one-week mandatory retreat.
My parish priest starts his day with daily Mass, and if it’s a First Friday he starts the Eucharistic Adoration then hears confessions, and late afternoon does the Benediction. On any given day, he spends the day doing pastoral visits, meeting in person or on the phone with parishoners who need to talk to him, going downtown to various diocesan meetings, working on various administrative tasks, preparing his homily, and attending meetings for things like the Soup Kitchen, St. Vincent de Paul, etc, and much more that I’m sure I’m not aware of.
Depending on the day of the week, in the early evening he has Parish Council meeting, K of C meeting, evening Mass, or RCIA.
He tries to end his day by 9:00pm so that he has personal time for himself. Of course priests have time to workout, read, and travel. They’re human and need down time just like everyone else.