Questions about the 3 Days of Darkness

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Okay so some time ago I saw some stuff where someone mentioned that they thought we might be nearing the time of something called the “minor chastisement” but not necessarily the end of days. From what I was able to gather, it’s a time when the world is thrust into 3 days of absolute darkness, so thick that no light (not even that of a candle or flashlight) can penetrate it. There was something about needing to have paschal candles in order to have a source of light, and that those who don’t have one might come to some sort of harm as the candle acts as protection (though from what I don’t know). I wasn’t able to find very much online, only that the idea had something to do with Mary.

So, as I often do when Google has failed me, I’ve come here looking for answers. Ironically actually, since this is the place where I first encountered this idea. So without further ado:
  1. What are the 3 days of darkness? Is it something that the Church has accepted, rejected, or remained mute on?
  2. Where does this belief originate from? Coming from an evangelical background, this idea is entirely foreign to me.
  3. If it’s not something that’s been denounced by the Church, is there any truth to the candle thing? Or is that something that’s been added in?
  4. If it’s not something that’s been denounced by the Church, should I be preparing for it, and what can I do to prepare?
P.S. Not really sure if this belongs in this topic thread, but it’s the closest thing I could find to where I think it should go.

EDIT: originally thought that the minor chastisement and the 3 days of darkness were the same thing, have since learned that they’re not. Have since edited the topic to focus on the 3 days of darkness
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i’ve never heard of “minor chastisement”

but the pacific rim volanos are lighting up like the 4th of july

not making little of the issue

hawaii & guatemala are on volcanic fire

that is easy to “google”
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but the pacific rim volanoes are lighting up like the 4th of july
As someone who lives on the upper end of the ring of fire, and almost within spitting distance of Mt. Rainier, I sincerely hope that those are two isolated incidents, lol
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It’s a private revelation.
I don’t know if the Church condemned it, or if you’re free to believe in it if you like.
i don’t know, shipmate ; most of the seismological news from your neck of the woods isn’t too great…

i am no expert…
It’s private revelation. As long as the Church has not officially condemned it we are free to believe.

That’s not the same thing as saying we must believe.

I read a book about it years ago but don’t recall much now.
when "what " hits?

three days of darkness? not that unsusual in temperate climates

three days of eclipse like blackness? imo, not too likely barring a volcanic disruption of normal sunlight

not too likely here in NE USA
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Well that explains why I couldn’t find anything about it. Been googling the minor chastisement, and no wonder nothing was matching up with what I’d heard, they’re two totally different things
i had no electrical power in my house for over two weeks after hurricane sandy; normal wal-mart candles worked just fine

why beeswax?
Honestly a volcanic eruption might make some sense here. Perhaps a super volcano such as Yellowstone? I mean if the ash is heavy enough in the air it might make it impossible to see by any kind of light, flashlight or otherwise. And the bit where anyone who walks outside or opens a window would fall dead could be ash inhalation.

That wouldn’t really account for being able to see by a blessed candle though. . . . . . . . . Also it’s highly unlikely that the ash cloud could even possibly be that thick throughout the entire world. Guess that theory’s dead in the water
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for the midwest US; a 'yellowstone" eruption could be problematic

the dust will pass over NJ in the jet sream

we’ll get off scott-free;

we’ll keep our windows closed for a day or two; no worries…
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i’ll be 100% honest with you (like i am in the confessional)

i’ve never been a huge “fan” of colin donovan…
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