I have been interested in the Traditional Latin Mass for a long time now. However, I am unclear on few things:
- Are Catholics who attend the indult bound by the old canon law or the current one? Example: fasting 1 hours before Mass, 3 hours, or the night before? No meat on Fridays, or can we substitute another type of sacrifice? Other days of fasting (ember days?). Holy Days of Obligation the same (with obligation to go to Mass)?
- How do subdeacons fit in since they were abolished at VII? Are they still an order (minor?).
- Why does the subdeacon hold the paten with the veil during a Solemn Mass?
- What about the Chrism Mass? Do TLM priests (eg. FSSP) have to celebrate with the local Ordinary? If not, where do they get the Chrism? If so, are they bi-ritual de facto?