Questions about Traditional Matrimony

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Greetings to all,

I am interested in determining if there exists differences in Matrimony of Traditional Catholicism and Matrimony in Modern Catholicism. (i.e. marriage performed by a Church that performs the Tridentine Mass versus one that has the Novus Ordo Service). As I am not sure if there exists any, please site any references.

In addition, is there a difference if the priest who performs the marriage is ordained in the Old Rite versus the New Rite?

Thank you and God Bless.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not intended for debate but discussion/information exchange. Refrain from posting if you would like to only debate for the purpose of debating. I would like to hear the views of those who consider themselves Traditional Catholics but of course all replies are welcome.
Greetings to all,

I am interested in determining if there exists differences in Matrimony of Traditional Catholicism and Matrimony in Modern Catholicism. (i.e. marriage performed by a Church that performs the Tridentine Mass versus one that has the Novus Ordo Service). As I am not sure if there exists any, please site any references.
Differences in the rite and prayers?
Yes, there is. Whereas the Traditional Missal had only one Mass with a limited number of readings (2) the NO has 3 with a wide selection of readings.

The NO still retains the Nuptial Blessing and a blessing for the spouses at the end but these are changed. The NO has 3 forms to go with the 3 Mass for the occasion - A, B, and C. Likewise the blessing for the spouses though: there are 3- the first is based on one in the Liber Ordinum, the second is Trinitarian invoking each of the Three Divine Persons and I’ve forgotten where the third is from :o Some English speaking countries retain a fourth which is similar to the old Traditional form.

The NO Masses you can find here and the Traditional one here

With marriage rituals especially it is kind of difficult to compare because with both the Traditional and NO (thoguh more with the latter obviously) there was allowed a certain latitude for the marriage part. Even the vows were not according to the form of the Rituale always- for example, the USA for a long time had a different set according to the decrees of the Council of Baltimore.

Another example, the Traditional marriage rite in the Philippines included several gold rings, a veil and a cord and other elements- these are carried into the NO with other adaptations like the kissing of the hands of the parents. In Jerusalem, they observe a crowning of the spouses, in other places a blessing of 13 coins and things like that. Generally, the NO mandates the consent of the spouses to be determined and a nuptial blessing given and leaves other things like rings upto cultural customs. I’ve heard from a priest that in some parts of India they substitute the ring with the chain around the neck. I’ve not witnessed a marriage where this happened but I’ve seen some women wearing it in daily life.
I just looked at the link for the NO: it doesn’t give the insertations made to the Eucharistic Prayers I, II and III. These are (the Latin)

I. Hanc ígitur oblatiónem servitútis nostrae, sed et famulórum tuórum N. et N. totiúsque famíliae tuae, quae pro illis tuam exórat maiestátem, quaesumus, Dómine, ut placátus accípias: et sicut eos ad diem nuptiárum perveníre tribuísti, sic tuo múnere desideráta sóbole gaudére profícias, atque ad optátam sériem próvehas benígnus annórum. (Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.)

II. Recordáre quoque, Dómine, N. et N., quos ad diem nuptiárum perveníre tribuísti: ut grátia tua in mútua dilectióne et pace permáneant.

III. Confórta, quaesumus, in grátia Matrimónii N. et N., quos ad diem nuptiárum felíciter adduxísti, ut fodus quod in conspéctu tuo firmavérunt, te protegénte, in vita semper consérvent. Omnes fílios tuos …

My NO missal, being a bit dated, only gives the ICEL for the first one:

Father, accept this offering from your whole family and from N. and N. for whom we now pray. You have brought them to their wedding day: grant them the gift and joy of children and a long and happy life together.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
And it was common enough, at least in the midwest, for music to play throughout the Nuptial Mass, over the vows, over everything.
My wife and I were married in the Traditional Rite just over 4 years ago, and aside from the obvious differences between the Masses, the biggest difference was probably that the actual marriage takes place before the Mass, not in the middle of it. We were married, gave flowers to our mothers, prayed at Our Lady’s Altar, and then Mass began. I just wish the video guy had realized we wanted that hour between then and the walk out of the church :mad: .
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