Questions And Answers on Salvation
by Rev. Michael Muller, C.SS.R.
Father Muller was one of the most widely read theologians of the nineteenth century. This article was first published in 1875.
Now Jesus Christ said to His Apostles and to all their lawful successors: “He that heareth you heareth Me, and he that despiseth you despiseth Me, and he that despiseth Me despiseth Him, the heavenly Father, that sent Me.” Hence all those who do not listen to Jesus Christ speaking to them through Saint Peter and the Apostles in their lawful successors, despise God the Father. They do not do His will, and therefore heaven will never be theirs.
Our Divine Savior says: "No one can come to the Father, except through Me."If we then wish to enter heaven, we must be united to Christ–to His [Mystical] Body, which is the Church, as Saint Paul says. Therefore outside the Church there is no salvation.
Again, Jesus Christ says: “Whoever will not hear the Church, look upon him as a heathen and a publican,” a great sinner. Therefore outside the Church there is no salvation.
Holy Scripture says: “The Lord added daily to the Church such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:47.) Therefore the Apostles believed and the Holy Scriptures teach that there is no salvation out of the Church.
by Rev. Michael Muller, C.SS.R.
Father Muller was one of the most widely read theologians of the nineteenth century. This article was first published in 1875.
- Do all admit that the Catholic Church is the first and the oldest Church, and, consequently the Church established by Jesus Christ?
- Who bear witness to this fact?
- What follows from this answer?
- If we go still farther back and ask the Greeks how they came into existence, what will be their answer?
- What follows from this?
- If we thus go back to the very days of the Apostles, what do we find everywhere in regard to the manner in which religious sects arose?
- Is it not all the same to God whatever religion a person professes?
- Who, then, will be saved?
Now Jesus Christ said to His Apostles and to all their lawful successors: “He that heareth you heareth Me, and he that despiseth you despiseth Me, and he that despiseth Me despiseth Him, the heavenly Father, that sent Me.” Hence all those who do not listen to Jesus Christ speaking to them through Saint Peter and the Apostles in their lawful successors, despise God the Father. They do not do His will, and therefore heaven will never be theirs.
- Must, then, all who wish to be saved, die united to the Catholic Church?
Our Divine Savior says: "No one can come to the Father, except through Me."If we then wish to enter heaven, we must be united to Christ–to His [Mystical] Body, which is the Church, as Saint Paul says. Therefore outside the Church there is no salvation.
Again, Jesus Christ says: “Whoever will not hear the Church, look upon him as a heathen and a publican,” a great sinner. Therefore outside the Church there is no salvation.
Holy Scripture says: “The Lord added daily to the Church such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:47.) Therefore the Apostles believed and the Holy Scriptures teach that there is no salvation out of the Church.