Questions and forgiveness and if I am beyond it!

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Hello, so the last question I posted you guys were awesome so thanks for that! Basically when I was 14, it was my first time in a Catholic school rather than public school (I had Sunday Classes when I was little). Basically, I went in and soon enough I started fearing hell, so I repented and turned to Christ. I fell away from repenting but always believed in Christ and still loved him and recently I’ve come back. But my question is am I truly born again if I never really wanted to read the Bible or even learn about God? I always wanted to de the bare minimum I guess and just repented to avoid hell. I stopped wearing my Cross because I don’t want people to look at me and say that is what a Christian is. I have OCD and scrupulosity (undiagnosed) and am constantly afraid I sold my soul or committed the unpardonable sin. I am just not in a good spot with the faith so I guess my questions are: can I stop repenting and be forgiven? It’s not apostasy since I still believe in Christ. Can I be forgiven for committing a sin that I thought was unforgivable but wasn’t, but I still did it anyway? Have I been born again or just been religious? I don’t want to serve God out of fear, so I feel stuck because I feel unforgivable, but still want to seek forgiveness, and unrepentant but repent out of fear of not being able to be forgiven. Like I still love God and Christ but I just feel lost. I know I sound like a mess but I’m in the eye of the storm sorta-speak. Sorry for such a long message, thank you in advance everyone so I don’t have to spam the post ❤️
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There is no sin that Christ will not forgive as long as you are repentant. Please discuss this with your priest, and no, you have not committed the unpardonable sin.
Honestly thank you for your bluntness, your answer helped a lot, thank you!! 🙂
I posted this late last night so responding to it just so people can see it, sorry 😅
If you have OCD and scrupulosity, you shouldn’t be posting questions online. It will only drive your compulsions and further the cycle of reassurance seeking.

Please speak to your priest and a counselor.

Others would be well advised to keep our friend in prayer and not to continue responding.

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