Looks like you’ve got some great suggestions, but I’ll but in my own :twocents: as a Londoner.
My favorite “tourist attraction” is the Tower of London. Don’t miss it! It’s worth going on a guided tour with one of the Beef Eaters (the guys who work there) and make sure you go see the crown jewels. Incredible!! Diamonds the size of your fist.
The London Eye is one of the world’s largest ferris wheels and gives excellent 360 degree views of the city. It costs £11, but it lasts over half an hour so it’s worth it if you are willing to spend the money. If you’d rather opt for a cheaper option, check out 1 of my favorite bars- which has nice views of the city. It is on the top floor of the Tate Modern (old factory building directly across the river from St. Pauls… take the cool new Millenium Bridge). You can go there, have a drink or a snack or a cuppa (tea that is

) and get gorgeous views of the river, the city, and St Pauls. It’s free to get in, and you don’t have to look at the art if you’re not into the modern thing. Just take the lift (elavator) up to I think the 5th or 7th? floor. Go during the day, the bar closes early evening most nights. It’s cool, you won’t regret it.
Food… go to any pub, try the fish and chips at least once. Yummy.
You may like to try Maggie Jones, which is a sit down restaurant near High Street Kensington. Go for lunch, it’s cheaper than dinner but the food is great… which is rare for the UK, the food stinks here (says the American in me!). I don’t know if you’re familiar with Rick Steves, the travel show guy who has a tv show and loads of books, but this is one of his fav restaurants and also mine. Not super expensive, but good English food. Go to high street ken tube station, take a right out of station. Walk straight till you see pizza hut and take a left on that street. walk straight for a block or two and Maggie Jones will be on your right. Look for the orange J sign down a little side street.
Go for afternoon tea if you get a chance. There’s a good place at high street ken with afternoon tea for about £5 per person (which is a steal) called the Muffin Man. If you want directions PM me.
Also, I know of a hostel in the Bayswater area (zone 1) that a friend of a friend owns. £15-£18 per person per night, called Qwest. If you want the number PM me.
I’d recommend buying all day tube passes, which are £4.60 for zones 1 and 2. All the tourist attractions are in zone 1 basically. You can also use your tube pass if you feel adventurous and want to take the buses (go up top one of the double deckers! it’s fun, I do it every day on my commute to work. just Hold On Tight!)
Pubs… go to the pubs, even if you don’t drink. They’ve got juice and cokes and stuff. Soak up the local atmosphere.

Don’t tip though. And in restaurants only 10% is necessary, and sometimes it’s already included in the bill.
I hope you have a GREAT time. Feel free to PM me any specific questions you have, I love talking about London.
Take care