Because birth control in many Protestant churches is never mentioned. To me, it’s just another lovely medical breakthrough (please no one crucify me, this is only my opinion and I’m aware how offense articial birth control is to serious Catholics). I myself am on the pill and have never given it the first thought (or the second) at all. But let me say this. Your typical combined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin combined) do not cause abortion. They prevent ovulation. It sort of “tricks” your body into thinking it has ovulated. If there is no egg, a sperm can’t penetrate it and therefore there is no babe.
Admittedly though, the progestin component of these pills (and the same applies for progestin-only pills), makes the endometruim “less favorable for implantation.” Hmmmmmm…
Now getting back to your original question - not only is birth control not even mentioned, but the negative connations the “rhythm method” has and all the hype that it just doesn’t work. I know you’ll say you don’t use the rhythm method - you use Natural Family Planning - but I don’t know the difference - yet.
Contraception is not one of those issues that I personally am prepared to deal with yet. If ever become Catholic, I will have to by sheer force of will, grit my teeth and go off the durn pills because the Church doesn’t approve. But I cannot even imagine how birth control pills could be considered sin - much less MORTAL sin.
I honestly don’t know what God thinks about birth control. And I honestly can’t say the Catholic position on it is wrong. It’s just so effective in preventing pregnancy (lord, don’t I sound awful? again - don’t crucify me).
I don’t however, approve of IUD’s. If I’'m not mistaken, they are abortifacents.
Hope that was a good reply. As I’ve stated numerous times before, I’m fairly muddled about various things.