Questions I have about Catholicism 2

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This is the questions I have about Catholicism. I will put other questions I have in the comments if they are not here. My first question is how long does it take to be confirmed. Also, I would ask any of you to pray for me because I’m struggling with temptation about witchcraft because I used to do it and I feel it trying to creep back into my life. Plus trying to get rid of old habits like not cursing, controlling my thoughts so that I don’t say what bad things people say. I also am struggling with my parents because yes my family is Catholic but my parents aren’t that into it just enough to believe in a higher power I did stuff in the past that restricts me from doing Christian things except praying which I got back last year I want to not be obsessive or fixated on it and not do what I did in the past I’m getting everything back soon all the restrictions I have are being lifted also another question when something is blessed and made holy like holy water how can you tell it is holy with its effects and everything. any more questions will be in the comments. please answer so I can have a clear understanding and actually get an answer. Thank you and may God Bless you a thousandfold
What may I ask does witchcraft offer you?

Were you baptized in the Catholic church?
Did you receive your first communion?

It is probably best to call a local parish and discuss your situation with them.

We all face temptation and struggle with breaking those bad habits.

Time it takes to be Confirmed​

In my parish, 2 year program, Wednesday nights during the school year. In a nearby Parish, 1 year. My parents had a really rushed confirmation as was standard of the time. In a rant by some people on the internet, show up for 2 meetings. No clue, check your parish, talk to people their.


Cursing and Controlling thoughts:​

I thought Curtis Martin said at Seek2019, “I am trying not to swear and I am no Dam Good at it, aww I did it again”. We all struggle with the first. Think about the meaning of the word and what it refers to first.

Here is the relevant thread to click on.
How To Stop Swearing Family Life
Hello, a problem I’ve had for a long time is my swearing. Not out loud, I rarely do that. But it my head. I don’t know if other people have experienced this, but in elementary and middle school, I was exposed to (and participated in) a lot of swearing, and will probably be exposed to a lot more in high school (I’m 14). How do I keep evil words from running rampant through my head? Ever since a couple months ago, I’ve stopped swearing almost altogether. But I can’t stop my mind. Like for e…


Pray regardless of what happened with your parents.

How to tell if something is Blessed.​

?, Out of my domain of knowledge.
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My first question is how long does it take to be confirmed.
You need to ask your priest how long it would take in your particular case, because timeframes can vary depending on the person and their past background.
Also, I would ask any of you to pray for me because I’m struggling with temptation about witchcraft because I used to do it and I feel it trying to creep back into my life. Plus trying to get rid of old habits like not cursing, controlling my thoughts so that I don’t say what bad things people say. I also am struggling with my parents because yes my family is Catholic but my parents aren’t that into it just enough to believe in a higher power I did stuff in the past that restricts me from doing Christian things except praying which I got back last year I want to not be obsessive or fixated on it and not do what I did in the past I’m getting everything back soon all the restrictions I have are being lifted
Dear Jesus, in Your name I ask that you please help the OP with all his needs. Thank you in advance, Amen.
Hail Mary…
Holy Mary, St. Joseph, St. Michael and St. Benedict, please intercede. Thank you. Amen.
also another question when something is blessed and made holy like holy water how can you tell it is holy with its effects and everything.
You can’t tell from “its effects and everything”. You either would need to see the item being blessed, or take the word of another person that it was blessed.
it offers me nothing now i was baptized in the Catholic Church when i was a baby i didnt recieve my communion
I am glad witchcraft offers you nothing now.
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another question if you dip your finger in holy water during mass and do the sign of the cross can you do it more than once. I did it twice at St Patrick’s Cathedral once while there (didn’t know I was supposed to do it while walking in walked right past it) and once going out. also when you put holy water in something can you use any bottle
You only need to do it once going in as it reminds you of your baptism. You don’t
need to do it as you leave the church.
No, you can do it as many times as you want, but 7_Sorrows point is that once is enough, you aren’t required to do it every time you walk past the font.

I usually do it when I go in and when I go out.
I had a cool experience. i prayed the rosary and after i finished i felt someone in the room probably the blessed virgin mary nd i guess she put something on my head or was placing her hand on my head then 2 minutes later i prayed to God to have me baptized filled anointed and empowered by the holy spirt and after i finished i felt someone pouring something on me like oil but then i said part of the nicene creed and it went away do you think it was a cool experience who do you think it was i dont know wonder what you people think
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