We can confidently rule out the Koran as an inspired text since it expressly denies things that we know to be true such as the Trinity and the divinity of Christ.
Well, perhaps - it is not clear that Muhammad intended to be understood as ruling out either of those.
And even if that was intended, it is not clear that a book which leaves much to be desired, cannot mediate the Word of God in a manner which will promote the salvation of the reader. It is the God Who saves Whose action matters - not the means by which He acts.
I don’t see why someone cannot receive saving faith by reading the definitions of the Council of Trent, say. Even though these are not inspired either. Scripture is:
a) very holy, good and useful, inspired and sacred and canonical; and its reading is most emphatically to be encouraged.
b) the reading of Scripture is not absolutely necessary for salvation.
Catholic teaching holds both of these, without subordinating either to the other. It neither despises the Bible, nor does it think that it can replace Christ.
Because it is Christ Who holds the Primacy, not the Bible - it witnesses to, is for the sake of, is meant to manifest and lead to, Him; not the other way about. And because He - not it - is Lord and Saviour, He can redeem whom He likes, where He likes, how He likes. Even - should He so wish - through very imperfect means such as the Koran. But since He seems, habitually, to work through imperfect men to do this, to think that he can work savingly through an imperfect book is no great stretch.
God requires no created means of grace or salvation: not His Church, Bible, sacraments, saints, graces, or any other thing: they require God. Without God, they could neither exist nor be of any value or of any effect; what they are, they are because He has created them thus. It is man who needs God, not God Who needs man. God has no need at all of anything created.
He doesn’t require perfect holiness, wisdom, & graciousness in priests, or in the rest of us - so why should the imperfections of the Koran stop Him working to save ? Nor does any of this imply the least unfaithfulness to the people whom He has chosen as His own.
“God’s grace is not bound to the sacraments” - He does not work through them alone. That too is Catholic teaching. ##