Hi everyone, I new here. I came across this website looking for answers. I hope this is the right place to post.
I have several questions. Why does God not allow my wife and I to have children? We are 28 and 29 years old and married a little over 4 years and have been trying to concieve almost 3 years. We have gone through some infertility tests and some procedures, but still nothing. We were raised in good catholic homes and followed what we were taught growing up. We never had premarital sex, never lived with each other before marriage and when we had to stay overnight somewhere, we stayed in separate rooms. We were taught that the first time you have sex, you will get pregnant. We are still waiting and praying for that moment. There has been several times we thought it was going to happen, but never did. We are very frustrated and upset on this situation. Every month my wife crys becasue it didn’t happen. Why? What did we do? We don’t undertsand why people who have premartial sex, sex with multiple partners, not married, don’t want children and are too you can have children, while there are couples like my wife and I that would do anything to have children. Can someone please answer for me because I have no clue on why.
I have several questions. Why does God not allow my wife and I to have children? We are 28 and 29 years old and married a little over 4 years and have been trying to concieve almost 3 years. We have gone through some infertility tests and some procedures, but still nothing. We were raised in good catholic homes and followed what we were taught growing up. We never had premarital sex, never lived with each other before marriage and when we had to stay overnight somewhere, we stayed in separate rooms. We were taught that the first time you have sex, you will get pregnant. We are still waiting and praying for that moment. There has been several times we thought it was going to happen, but never did. We are very frustrated and upset on this situation. Every month my wife crys becasue it didn’t happen. Why? What did we do? We don’t undertsand why people who have premartial sex, sex with multiple partners, not married, don’t want children and are too you can have children, while there are couples like my wife and I that would do anything to have children. Can someone please answer for me because I have no clue on why.