Quick! Vote on Should Same Sex relationships be Taught to Children

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I can’t beleive it! A father got arrested here in MA for protesting against a book teaching his children about sames sex relationships… :banghead:
Done, Thanks for the link. It is terrible when parents actually care what their kids are taught in school, isn’t it. :rolleyes:

Some schools apparently want parents to be involved but only to support their agenda.

We just have to keep fighting!
FERCRYINOUTLOUD! Six year olds? You know these homosexual activists are going to see a backlash from all of this pushing their agenda. People are madder now than I’ve seen them in years. I used to be very blase’ about homosexuals as I knew a number of them and they are all nice folks. OTOH none of them think we should be discussing sodomy with a six year old kid. SHEESH!

Lisa N
Because we have ‘same-sex’ marriage now in Massachusetts, some teachers have publicly stated that this has enboldened them with respect to their ‘coming-out’ to their students.
Because we have ‘same-sex’ marriage now in Massachusetts, some teachers have publicly stated that this has enboldened them with respect to their ‘coming-out’ to their students.
Ya know, I made it all the way through grade school, middle school, high school, college and even took a stab at graduate school, without ever THINKING about any teacher’s sex life. Why do they have to ‘share’ this news? BLECH!

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Ya know, I made it all the way through grade school, middle school, high school, college and even took a stab at graduate school, without ever THINKING about any teacher’s sex life. Why do they have to ‘share’ this news? BLECH!
No one ever taught me anything about same sex relationships. And even after I found out, it was not something I was happy to know.

Reminds me of my nephew, who had his first “sex-ed” class in 8th grade at a Catholic school. Afterwards, he said it was more than he ever wanted to know, and he never wanted to hear anything about it ever again.
I can’t beleive it! A father got arrested here in MA for protesting against a book teaching his children about sames sex relationships… :banghead:
What happened to freedom of speech? … or does that only apply when everyone agrees on the politically correct point of view? :eek: Seems dismal going on abysmal. 😦
One of the things that steams me about this is the way the story is presented by the MSM.
The news story I saw this morning started with an interview of 2 lesbians, who have children. They were upset because some children in the school told their children that you can’t have 2 mommies. So then we cut to a quick glimpse of the father in court and in handcuffs; and a description of him as “a Christian”. I quick sound bite of him saying he should be the gate-keeping of this kind of information. Back to the 2 lesbians saying they just want their kids treated fairly!
So what was this story about - a father protecting his 6 year old from information he felt his child wasn’t ready for; OR a Christian being unfair to children of homosexuals!:confused:
first thread i see this morning is about growing babies in petree dishes for parts, not this… hell of a way to start my friday…

boy, i can’t wait till Sunday… Got to get on my knees and vote big time…

thanks Annunciata for the news… we have got to do something about this country before we destroy our world… Like Rome, we will fall from within… we are stumbleling now…

good grief…
A father got arrested here in MA for protesting against a book teaching his children about sames sex relationships…
No, He got arrested for tresspassing, which is what he was doing. He brought the matter before the superintendant, with no success. His next stop should have been the school board (or the court).
And some keep saying we are too exclusionary and hate homosexuals. How long before we open our eyes to the evil revolution that is taking place in front of us?

Too many can’t see the how terrible this all is. Which is more terrifying, that this nonsense is so pervasive or that so many do not see the grave threat?
No, He got arrested for tresspassing, which is what he was doing. He brought the matter before the superintendant, with no success. His next stop should have been the school board (or the court).
You know Timidity… there used to be " The Blue Laws" here in MA… and then there was a “Banned in Boston” thingy… maybe the same thing I’ll have to reseach that more… Yes and maybe the father should have gone before the school board, forget the courts…that’s exactly what those w/ a Gay Agenda want:eek: … Isn’t it sad at what “The Cradle of America” has become???😦
maybe the father should have gone before the school board, forget the courts…that’s exactly what those w/ a Gay Agenda want
Good point. It’s the Massachusetts courts that unleashed this whole gay marriage farce on us.
Isn’t it sad at what “The Cradle of America” has become???😦

But it’s more than just America. We see it most, because it’s all around us, but the entire Christian world seems to have reverted to its pagan ancestors and seems to be pushing towards a path of mandatory hedonism.
I can’t beleive it! A father got arrested here in MA for protesting against a book teaching his children about sames sex relationships… :banghead:
“Mother” governement knows best!!! 😦
It’s really sad that there is going to be a whole bunch of children growing up that are going to be told that this kind of relationship is normal. UGH. Why would any teacher want to tell their students about their “coming out?” Is it necessary? Every time I see something like this I promise myself I will sacrifice whatever is necessary to send my future kids to Catholic school.
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