Quit drugs...holy withdrawals already

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So I stopped smoking up…haven’t for almost days. The withdrawals are so bad I’m contemplating having some just so they will stop. I can’t believe they are this bad. I have a huge headache and I can’t stop shaking. I swear I can smell pot even though there is none around. Has anyone experienced this? If so, how did you get through it?
Yes, I’m an ex-smoker of both varieties.

Pray, pray, pray. Offer up what your going through to God for your healing. The Rosary is excellent for this. I also found just making a simple statement about what you are going through and then a Hail Mary or Our Father, then another statement and another Hail Mary, etc.

Like: “Mother Mary, I need some help over coming these urges. Hail Mary…”

“Mother Mary, I nedd your intercession to overcome this addiction. Hail Mary…”

Keep going as long as you need to.

Phone someone, ask for help. A friend who knows you’re quitting to help toalk you down from urges. Drink lots of water. Do something with your hands.

And pray.

The worst thing you can do is have one just to get through. That’s how relapses start. That defeating self talk, “I can’t handle this pain. Just a little will make it easier.” That just leads to giving in easier and easier and you’re right back into full blown adiction.

Whatever you do - do not use. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Don’t worry about five minutes from now. Just right now, don’t use. Antime the thoughts start - just right now, don’t use.

PM me if you need someone to talk to.
Don’t you have a local hospital? A local mental health program (they are sliding scale cost). Just “quitting” (while it is an excellent first step, and I wholeheartedly commend you, and pray for you) is not the be all and end all. You basically need to put in something else in your life–something very positive and healthy-to fill in this void you now have regarding smoking–otherwise, the temptation to start again can be overwhelming.

I also recommend heartily a change of scene (new friends who are nonsmokers), new places (NOT the usual bar or even the old coffee shop or deli you used to go to in order to get munchies), new activities and especially ones that will get you exercise. Nothing too difficult though.

God bless.

I will be praying for you. I’ve read some of your recent posts, and I sense that you are trying very hard to change your life and become closer to Christ. God sees this, and He will help you. I agree with the other poster who said to offer up your current sufferings for your intentions. God bless you and keep you.
I’m facing the exact same battle at the moment, though I haven’t experienced any of the physical symptoms that you mentioned. You will undoubtedly formulate all sorts of excuses to smoke “just one more time”, but don’t give in! I have failed so many times, but I’m really serious about quitting this time around. All of my roommates smoke a lot of pot, which doesn’t make things any easier. Like someone else said, try to avoid situations and people by whom you can be tempted. Above all, pray. This is a battle that you can’t win without Divine assistance. I’ll be praying for you, and please throw in a good word for me if you get the chance. I need all the help I can get.

May the Lord grant you moral fortittude and clarity of mind,
It will probably be alot easier if you join a group and get medical advice. I hate to see you get through the withdrawls and then have a weak moment and feel all down on yourself. I never tried any of that, but I know what it’s like to have to give other things up.

God knows how hard you are trying. He knows your heart.
God Bless you, Sarc. If you are having a weak moment just turn on one of the really disgusting scenes in the movie Trainspotting. (like where the baby dies or where he reaches into the disgusting toilet to get his drugs… assuming you have seen that movie)

Find a new scene. I would guess that it is very difficult to give up as it is such a social drug.

I have a friend (actually I dated him in highschool until I realized what a problem he had with alcohol) who was an alcoholic and gave it up before he got married. It can be done, you can do it. He had to find new friends and never goes into bars. It’s a matter of choosing your own life and health.
Also, bear in mind satan does NOT want you to quit. he’ll do everything in his power to tempt you back. everything. dont underestimate his influence. rebuke the temptations in Christ’s holy name, and beg God to help you overcome them.
this is what happens to the body when it is defiled in such ways. not only that, but it affects the soul in big ways too. drugs (including weed) are avenues for evil influence. this im sure you realize now, and now you must simply depend on your Heavenly Father. this is what He wants you to do, to turn to Him.
I will keep you in my prayers!


p.s. i used to be a smoker. after a while, every time i’d light up i’d think of how hurtful it was. and it got to the point where i started ‘lightly’ asking God to help me to quit. then it became more prevalent, the temptation AND the regret. so i asked God with a sincere heart to cut the addiction, cuz i couldnt do it.
and one night, i was sittin there (this is a true story) watchin Mother Angelica on EWTN, and she said something to the affect of “Jesus Christ died on the Cross for YOU and you can’t even do this one little thing?” I just stopped (realized that it was God telling me to pay attention and that was the answer to my prayer) and the addiction went away. hasn’t come back since. that proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that God WANTS to help us and bless us, but we truly have to want it, He’s a gentleman and won’t impede on our free will. He knows our hearts and what we want and dont want.
Lord, help us to want what you want.
So I stopped smoking up…haven’t for almost days. The withdrawals are so bad I’m contemplating having some just so they will stop. I can’t believe they are this bad. I have a huge headache and I can’t stop shaking. I swear I can smell pot even though there is none around. Has anyone experienced this? If so, how did you get through it?
Oh, sarcophagus…My prayers of peace go out to you. There is nothing more than the evil one wants than for you to not be successful. He’s really working a number on you. Be strong and you WILL get through the physical symptoms. Listen to the advice the other posters have given you. And I will add one more…When you think you can’t take it anymore, just tell yourself…“Stop panicking. This, too, will pass.” Then take a few really deep breaths and pray. We tend to panic at the unknown and the unfamiliar and revert back to what we know…old behaviors. But be strong…This will pass and you will be amazed at how strong you ARE. Ask your guardian angel to help you, too. He’s there as your protector and guide. Now as much as ever, call on him to help you.

I’m sure you know all of us are praying for you! :blessyou:
Thanks everyone for your support. Well, as disappointing as it is, I couldn’t bear. DH and I went over to a friends place and I caved. I feel bad, but I know I always start again. This morning I woke up feeling burnt out and like ****. It was enough to really make me want to stop.

I can’t remember where I saw this…it could’ve been in this thread even, but last night I quickly checked in and saw someone say “Jesus died on the cross, can’t you do this one little thing”. It hurt me deep that I have disappointed him in such as short time. DH helped me with a list this morning of all the reasons why I want to quit. It’s now posted on the wall by my computer. I hope that helps since he knows I want to quit.

My main motivation, and DH doesn’t know this one, is that I want to have a baby. But I want to be healthy before, I want all of this out of my system so, should I ever become pregnant, I will give my child the healthiest start possible. I’ve already quit smoking ciggarettes (that was easy as pie even after 2 years) and I quit drinking (though I didn’t drink much anyway). The pot seems to be the hardest. But now with this list and my desire to have a child, I know why I want to do this and I know that I will be happy when I kick this habit. I know that when my child arrives (whenever I am blessed with one) he/she will be healthy and happy. I was the product of a drug addicted mother as was my sister. I know the tolls that drugs do on the health of a child. I don’t want that for mine.

Now that I know that I am doing this for my unborn child (whenever the time comes) it will be that much easier.
 I believe your desire to have a baby is a God-given one, and one that will serve as a powerful motivator to help you quit.  As far as relapsing is concerned, I've done the same many times, and the feelings of remorse and regret that I encounter the next day are sometimes nearly unbearable.  These feelings are healthy, however; they remind you that God is calling you to repentance, that He wants desperately a new way of life for you in which you shed old habits and trust in His ability to transform.  Two important things:  1)  Truly repent.  True repentance is prayer for God's forgiveness with the firm intention that you will never again fall into the sins of which you are repenting.  2)  If you do fall, the important thing is to pick yourself up and resolve with God's help to keep fighting.  It is said that "saints are merely sinners who keep trying."  The worst thing you can do (and the thing which the Devil most desires) is that you resign yourself to sin with the attitude that "it's just too hard."  Remember, with God, nothing is impossible.  Just a few reflections from my own struggles; I hope this helps.  I will continue to pray for you.

                    God bless,
Find a good confessor, and go frequently.
A priest gave a good homily this morning.
He referred to “infestations”.
In other words, satan thinks he knows where we are weakest to
attack. However, God only permits evil if He can bring about
a greater good. (eg. Resurrection after crucifixion)
Also, a good website:
Fr. Emmerich Vogt when a guest on EWTN Live, quoted some
saint as saying “fear is the chief activator of our faults”
How true, how true.
sarc, God bless you in your efforts. I’m so happy you’re taking this step. Forget about caving last night. Today is a new day and you can do this. You don’t need it. And to want to quit so you can have a healthy baby is wonderful motivation!

(I’ve tried pot before a few years ago and I see how you can get hooked on it. My friend’s boyfriend smokes it as soon as he gets home from work every day, and my friend does sometimes as well. It’s not an easy thing to just stop. I quit smoking cigarettes after 5 years and that was hard enough.)

I wonder if you maybe can see a drug counselor or something? Just a professsional to talk with so you don’t have to go it alone. I know you have your DH there, but you may need some extra backup.

Keep Going! :clapping: Keep our Lord close to you and pray the rosary when tempted. God Bless…
Thanks Celia, I’ve tried the counciler before, it doesn’t work for me. I’m the type of person that has to do things on their own. I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Everything ties together. Dh and I want to buy a house soon. I don’t want to raise a child (when the time comes) in this apartment building, this area, this city even. We know where we want to go. In order to do that though, I need a better job. In order to get a better job I have to concentrate on doing well in school. To do that, I have to quit drugs. Everything goes hand in hand. I know that I am being called to motherhood. I’ve always known that. When I was a child, people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I usually said “a mom”. As I got older, I would tell people I didn’t want children because in my family, you aren’t successful until you have a well-paid, established career. I don’t even want a career. Just children. But anyway, the only way that I can do that is to stop drugs. I made a vow to God, Jesus and Mary last night that I wouldn’t touch the stuff again. I also asked for the patron saint of addictions to be revealed to me so that I can asked for his/her guidance too.

Thanks everyone for your support. I will change my signature for every successful day. I started it again today. A fresh start for my health and the health of my future children.
just to let you know, I found my saint already!! I was flipping through the channels on TV and the remote died on a documentary about Maximilian Kolbe, Patron Saint of Drug Addicts, it said. Wow…
It’s been two days now, hasn’t it? St. Maximillian Kolbe, intercede for us!
Sarcophaghus, like you I felt it was something I needed to do alone. All I can share with you is what I found helpful; it may help you, it may not. God works with each of us on His terms. I tried Narcotics Anonymous meetings and found that all it really did for me was keep my mind focussed on the drugs instead of getting off them.

I did, however, find the 12 steps useful. They really are nothing more than an outline of the process of repentance, including examination of conscience and confession. I found that having that outline gave me something of a map I could follow rather than wondering what to do next.

The Serenity Prayer, espeicially the whole prayer rather than the truncated version used these days, also helped me a lot:

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;

Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it;

Trusting that You will make all things right
If I surrender to Your will;

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with You
Forever in the next.
-Reinhold Niebuhr

I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
just to let you know, I found my saint already!! I was flipping through the channels on TV and the remote died on a documentary about Maximilian Kolbe, Patron Saint of Drug Addicts, it said. Wow…
Oooh…this story gives me chills!! I will ask St. Maximilian Kolbe to pray for you, sarcophagus.
Throught the intercession of John Paul 2 and the Servant of God, Catherine Doherty, I quit smoking (cigarettes) 12 days ago and feel so much at peace. I have been around other people who smoke and I haven’t experienced the anxiety yet…:bowdown: there by the grace of God, go I…
Thepeug and Sarcophagus,
I admire you both for your determination and fortitude to overcome addiction…I work in the health field and I know how very difficult it can be.
Prayers are with you both.:gopray2:
Prayers going up for you, sarc! That’s awesome about your saint. Ask him for supportive prayers often. God loves you and he wants you to succeed - he’s on your side. Trust in him. Blessings! 🙂
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