stats I found:
A Washington Post poll conducted last summer (2002) revealed that 1 in 4 Americans still found marriages between blacks and whites ‘‘unacceptable.’’ That disapproval helps explain why only 1 percent of marriages nationwide are between whites and blacks - even as other ‘‘mixes’’ (between, say, Jews and non-Jews) account for about 4 percent of marriages. Measured another way, the pattern continues: The marriages of blacks to whites equaled 9 percent of all intermarried couples in 1998, while the marriages of Asians to whites equaled 19 percent, and Hispanics to whites, 52 percent. In 1960, racially mixed marriages represented less than one-half of one percent. By 2000, interracial marriages made up about three percent of all marriages.
It is sad to see in this day and age that many people still think the different colors should be separated. :>( I would give your sister in law this verse and ask her to meditate on it, and to sincerely seek the Heart of God. Has she examined her own heart for racial prejudice?
Colossians 3:11 Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all and in all.