First you are probably wondering why I would be posting up on the “Culture of Life” forum. If you read Humane Vitae our past pope’s encyclical shed some light on this.
**For those of you who do not know what the Rainbow Sash Group is, it is a group within the Catholic Church that is trying to break the barriers of the church and forcing the church to accept homosexual marriages, ect… **
They will say they are not trying to do this, but their agenda is exactly this.
**Their entire missiong statement is as follows:
Bringing the Gifts, the Witness and the Challenge of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people into the Heart of the Church
**This is a concern of mine as they are making mass a political forum, and I’m trying to understand when and where, do these individuals think they can change Biblical and Church views on homosexuality? **
Are we going to be known as a church that bigots, because of a huge misunderstanding from people that truly don’t understand the church’s teaching on this matter?
**For those of you who do not know what the Rainbow Sash Group is, it is a group within the Catholic Church that is trying to break the barriers of the church and forcing the church to accept homosexual marriages, ect… **
They will say they are not trying to do this, but their agenda is exactly this.
**Their entire missiong statement is as follows:
Bringing the Gifts, the Witness and the Challenge of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people into the Heart of the Church
**This is a concern of mine as they are making mass a political forum, and I’m trying to understand when and where, do these individuals think they can change Biblical and Church views on homosexuality? **
Are we going to be known as a church that bigots, because of a huge misunderstanding from people that truly don’t understand the church’s teaching on this matter?