Rainbow Sash Group

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First you are probably wondering why I would be posting up on the “Culture of Life” forum. If you read Humane Vitae our past pope’s encyclical shed some light on this.

**For those of you who do not know what the Rainbow Sash Group is, it is a group within the Catholic Church that is trying to break the barriers of the church and forcing the church to accept homosexual marriages, ect… **

They will say they are not trying to do this, but their agenda is exactly this.

**Their entire missiong statement is as follows:
Bringing the Gifts, the Witness and the Challenge of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people into the Heart of the Church

**This is a concern of mine as they are making mass a political forum, and I’m trying to understand when and where, do these individuals think they can change Biblical and Church views on homosexuality? **

Are we going to be known as a church that bigots, because of a huge misunderstanding from people that truly don’t understand the church’s teaching on this matter?
Sooner4Christ said:
** If you read Humane Vitae our past pope’s encyclical shed some light on this.**

I recall Humanae Vitae predicted a link between the acceptance of birth control and the breakdown of the family, (in addition to predicting abortion and euthanasia.) Many, many children now grow up in broken homes. No wonder some think we can redefine “family” since they never experienced a real family in the first place!

You asked where homosexuals come up with the idea they can change Biblical and Church views on homosexuality. I think they got the idea from heterosexuals who have managed to change many Christian denominations’ views about birth control and divorce.

Heterosexuals already redefined marriage to include no-fault divorce and birth control. Marriage used to be “for life” in both senses of the words, but many no longer view it that way. While I dislike the attempt to further redefine marriage by groups such as the Rainbow Sash Movement, I recognize that they didn’t start it.

As a person who formerly used birth control, I can sympathize with individuals who are tempted to use physical intimacy without being open to life. Homosexuality is just further down that same path.
First I would like to say, thank you for your words of wisdom. It sounds like you know the root of the problem. I would like to look at a different level on this movement. You stated that “they got the idea from heterosexuals who have managed to change many Christian denominations’ views about birth control and divorce.”

First I would like to say, this is where the root of the problem, but I would also like to say 2 wrongs don’t make a right in that while other denominations might make it acceptable both of these issues are not acceptable in the church.

I think the movement is in a much stronger visible force compared to an invisible force from the other side of the spectrum (when speaking about divorce and artificial birth control). They are really trying to change the Christ’s view through the church to make it more accpetable… This is irrationale thinking… If I am guilty of a sin, and my personal belief is that my sin should be justified, but the church doesn’t… I’m not going to try and change the church’s teachings to fit my needs. That is why there are many other protestant faiths out there that can fullfill their needs and tell them that it is ok.

I would also like to comment on the statement that “Heterosexuals already redefined marriage to include no-fault divorce and birth control. Marriage used to be “for life” in both senses of the words, but many no longer view it that way. While I dislike the attempt to further redefine marriage by gruops such as Rainbow Sash movement, I recognize that they didn’t start it.”

I would like to say that man has tried to redefine marriage, but church teachings never changed on Marriage used for life, exemplifying both senses of the word. Many have broken from the Body Of Christ (IE the Church) to fullfill those needs, which is unfortunate.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is 2 wrongs don’t make a right, and I feel that people are trying to use the “It’s ok for heteros to do this, why isn’t it ok for us!”

Neither is ok, but the movement to accept homosexuality as acceptable looks like a stronger movement, whether it be magnified by the media, or it be magnified by their actions during mass… making it a moral/political platform. I don’t recall heterosexuals that were guilty of sins such as divorce and/or artificial birth control, wearing sashes during mass to make their sins acceptable.

I think it is a disgrace and a tragedy that we are facing, the only thing we can do is lead by example and entrust in the Holy Spirit to guid the Church.
I think we are in agreement. The agressiveness of this movement is different from the subtle way divorce and birth control entered our society. No one wears ribbons and sashes up to Communion marking themselves as contraceptive uses or as someone in an invalid marriage. There seems to be an anger driving that drives them to protest.

I feel sorry for them. What drives them to scream out that people pay attention to their sins? I wonder if these cries for attention are really cries for help. They may say they want us to be tolerant of them, but I wonder if some of them really want us to help save them from a trap of sexual sin from which they can’t escape.

Rainbow sashes say to me:
“Person wearing this sash is in need of serious prayer. Please help.”

During times of abstinence when using NFP, I offered up that time for the struggles of people with same sex attraction and others who’s state in life required celebacy. I think we need to help each other to live chaste lives.
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