Raising hands at the Doxology

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(Copying this from Liturgy forum to see if anyone here knows)

Hi all,

For those of us who attend Mass in parishes where people hold hands during the Our Father, or for people who just have knowledge, why do people then raise their hands when the Priest gets to the doxology (“For thine is the kingdom…”)?

What does that signify?

Sola said:
(Copying this from Liturgy forum to see if anyone here knows)

Hi all,

For those of us who attend Mass in parishes where people hold hands during the Our Father, or for people who just have knowledge, why do people then raise their hands when the Priest gets to the doxology (“For thine is the kingdom…”)?

What does that signify?


Many people think they are joining the priest in offering up praise to God. If so, that motive is fine, but as I posted in another topic thread, if a gesture is not mandated in the GIRM, it isn’t to be done. If people know this and keep on doing such gestures, they are then being rebellious in favor of what makes them feel good. But, since the Mass is the corporate worship of the whole body of Christ, people should not be inventing new gestures nor adding anything to it–not even the priest.
I find remarks like “it makes them fell good” to be sarcastic and snobish. The Church’s plan to replace the move of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church with a fake unity has been a total failure. Just a very few will now bow when the words are said “He was concieved by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary and became man”.
Sorry, it takes much more than another rule of order to get a dead service to seem alive. It takes the Miracle that Pope John Paul II has been asking us to Pray for "A New Springtime"and a willingness to be dosile to the move of God’s Holy Spirit in the Church. God Bless
I find remarks like “it makes them fell good” to be sarcastic and snobish.

** What is snobbish about that? All unlawful innovations to the liturgy begin with that very purpose.**

The Church’s plan to replace the move of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church with a fake unity has been a total failure.

Good observation. May I add another comment? It has been a failure because it has been misapplied. Had all those, who have been rather busy in this department followed the move of the Holy Spirit, instead of following something else, there would have been no failure. I agree with you, with your the fake unity comment though. All lay initiated ecumenical movements have been detrimental to the Body. They bring in Protestant doctrine and infect the faith of many good Catholics.

Just a very few will now bow when the words are said “He was concieved by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary and became man”. Sorry, it takes much more than another rule of order to get a dead service to seem alive.

Are you serious? Since when and to who is the sublime grace of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is a dead service? Only to the superficially catholicized, who look on participation in the mass as participating in a service and not participating in a sacrifice.

It takes the Miracle that Pope John Paul II has been asking us to Pray for "A New Springtime"and a willingness to be dosile to the move of God’s Holy Spirit in the Church.

He should and we all should. Because the movements that have entered the Church have not built up the body, they weakened it; they brought nothing but disunity, modernism and wide spread disobedience.

I happen to find remarks like, “The Church’s plan to replace the move of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church with a fake unity has been a total failure”, to be highly offensive and very disrespectful of the Mass in general.

Your reference to JPII is well noted but I would be willing to bet all that I own that JPII does not believe that the Church wants to replace the Holy Spirit in the Church nor would he regard the Sacred Liturgy as either “fake unity” or a “total failure”.

Just keep reading JPII, that part you got right! 🙂
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