Random cries

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Does anyone else get the urge to cry for no reason at all? Sometimes I will be doing something or be somewhere, and I just want to cry. I don’t know why. Anyone else like that? It is very confusing.
No, not without some reason. What happens to me is random flood of love and all I can do is marvel… and love back. Or random flood of sorrow and regret for my past sins. Now that… often makes me want to cry.
Your profile doesn’t say whether you are male or female, but it did say you were a teenager.

If you are female, the hormone fluxes you are having can have an effect on your moods. If you are noticing it at certain times of the month, it can just be that.

Even if you are male, at your age hormones could be an issue.

If you are not female or are female and there is no pattern, IMHO it could be normal. Sometimes people are just a little more sensitive then others.

If you notice that it is severe depression, especially if you ever feel like doing more then just crying, you should seek profession help. Talk to a parent, guidance counselor, priest, or a trusted adult. It is normal to feel sad occasionally, if you are doing it all the time you might suffer from depression.

It’s hard to tell what is up with just a short paragraph, not knowing you in person.
Marauder made some good points. I would like to add something else. You are about to be confirmed, right? This alone and the fact that you are becoming a new creation in God can bring one highly charged emotional impulses. New Christians tend to be a bit flighty and given into some irrational impulses… all because of their fervor and new found love for God. We tend to smile at people who are in love… they see the world with a rose colored glass and have flights of fancy that are endearing but have little to do with reality. So you just may be excited and even face a bit of spiritual battle before your confirmation. If you are normally sound emotionally, do not worry much; don’t run off to a counselor just yet. God bless.
I do experience the urge to cry randomly and seemingly without reason. I will also get seemingly random mood swings. The occurence and frequency of these “urges” vary - but I have been diagnosed with chronic depression and was on medication until my health insurance was cancelled. Have you tried talking to a counselor? Are there any signifiant events happening in your life right now? I’m not sure if these urges happen year round, but it could even be “winter/seasonal depression”.
Sorry. I am female, and it happens who-knows-when. Not just at that time… it could be when I am lonely, or when I am in a place full of people. Once I wanted to cry at Youth Group, but I could never figure out why. I guess I looked sad or something, so I told people I was very tired. I dunno. It is just very weird, and I really don’t get time alone to just think, or even cry if I need it. Between parents, 3 younger brothers (one who is 10 weeks old and I am currently babysitting) pets, school work, confirmation classes, dive team and play practice (which the play is this saturday and it is going ok so far. I cross my fingers and pray I dont mess up) There just seems to be no time. and now, we are taking in a German exchange student who needs somewhere to stay for the rest of the time he is here in the U.S. As you can see, we have a full household, and many of us are busy.
Do you think it could be because I am getting overwhelmed? I have never really been involved in anything until now. But why would I just at any moment fell like I want to cry?
Why my dear… it sounds like you are plumb tuckered out!

Take a break sometime.

Maybe you need a good cry too.

Rent ET or chop up 4 onions and have a good cry.

There is nothing wrong with you at all. 🙂
Why my dear… it sounds like you are plumb tuckered out!
After seeing a basic description of what’s going on in your life right now, I have to agree with tru_devotion that you are probably just completely worn out. Take a break and have some “you time”. If you feel like crying, cry. You’ll probably feel much better.

P.S. Kramerbaby, nice signature. :rotfl: 😛
P.S. Kramerbaby, nice signature. :rotfl: 😛
Thanks! Yeah. so. We ARE getting the exchange student, and i am doing dive team. The play is Saturday, so i don’t have to worry about that too much longer… There is nothing else other than church stuff going on… Confirmation Dec. 4, and I teach religious ed. well, God bless All!
Today I did not feel like crying! it is an acheivement. Today, my friend from Germany called, and we talked for almost an hour. It was soo awsome. Noone can our will be able to wipe the smile off my face for a week. But, what do you suggest if at anytime I feel like crying? Do you think I should tell this to someone I know, or just pray about it for a while?
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