Randy Scholfield: Photos Show Only Part Of The Truth

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Photos tell the unvarnished truth. That’s a popular notion. It’s the argument used by anti-abortion protesters who showed up at two area high schools last week, carrying signs displaying grisly photos of aborted fetuses.

As an Opinion Line contributor said, echoing a common argument, “What the signs showed was the honest truth.”

Photos never lie, right?
Well… the truth is more complicated.

Operation Rescue alerted me to this story and President Troy Newman has responded with his own editorial. He made a very sound historical argument.
This is the link to the Kansas web blog site where Troy Newman gives his response.

The recent fury over of the public use of aborted
baby photos is part of an ongoing debate on the use
of graphic photographic imagery that has raged ever
since Matthew Brady first published pictures of Civil
War battlefields laden with the grotesque images of
dead and dying soldiers.
In the late 1800s, Joseph Pulitzer’s pioneering work in
the New York World and St. Louis Post-Dispatch
helped forge modern newspaper journalism, including
the emerging field of photojournalism. Pulitzer is said
to have demanded that photographs be used to
support the journalists’ text.
If anyone wants to contribute you have a forum today.
A sample of public opinion debating the issue of abortion photos yet again. I always wonder how twisted their logic is when it is the pro-lifers -pulling back the veil hiding these atrocities- who get blamed for being cruel and hateful while there isn’t a word of sympathy for the victims nor a single accusatory finger pointed towards the butchers who masquerade as doctors.

comment from Monday, Oct. 17, "There are so many positive ways to handle “unwanted pregnancies.” Why spend so much time and effort being hateful?
These protesters should stop being such hypocrites and act like the Christians they profess to be.
I once showed a picture of aborted baby remains to a woman who was trying to justify her reason why she had to have an abortion. (I asked her if she wanted to see first).

She jumped up and ran out yelling at me “How can you call yourself a Christian!”
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