Rant thread - Thanksgiving edition

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It is a time to gather together with family and friends, eat, enjoy each other’s company, and give thanks to God for providing such blessings.

However there are many of us that find more opportunities to exercise patience and prayers.

It is a time for thanks, and even moreso when it is over and we go home.

Here is the right thread for you to anonymously blow off that head of steam this holiday provides. Be charitable, anonymous, and humorous if possible.
Allow me to start…

I have a mother inlaw that finds it necessary to pray the blessing for the food after my oldest already prayed the blessing.

Her own explanation is that the Catholic prayer was… inadequate.

Let us all pray.
I need patience.
She needs… something.
Your mother-in-law is not Catholic then? Many evangelicals or protestants like
speaking lengthy prayers of their own creation.
And it had nothing to do with her preference… everything to do with her prejudice.
I decided next time, she can do the blessing.
Kind of avoids the issue altogether.

After the initial irritation, my family just laughed about it.
Her particular brand of anti-catholicism runs so deep she has no idea she is being rude.
What is her particular brand of anti-Catholicism?

I have one particular friend who was raised Baptist and is now non-denominational
and she is opposed to all things Catholic I have come to realize and seems proud of it.

I get a smile on my face when our Nigerian priest says Protestant.

I put the enphasis on PRO-tes-tant. Our Nigerian priest pronounces it proTEStant. Yep, many are
still proudly protesting!!
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Pentecostal. Her flavor was founded in the early 20th century.

I find it hilarious when she expressed prayers that I and the kids will find that “old time religion”.

Her anti-catholicism is rooted in total ignorance of the Catholic faith along with stories told by other people in her church.
Seems an inordinate number of people in her church were Catholic at one time or another.
Yes, they are very ignorant of the Catholic faith and based on what they are taught
by others or have learned from watching tv and movies.
People who go to restaurants on Thanksgiving (which I’ve done many times—please no 🔥 )…and then proceed to tell the wait staff “it’s a shame they have you working Thanksgiving!”

Uhm. Ok.
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