When my husband and I married in 1996, his ex-wife was Catholic as is his ex-in-laws. His daughter was being raised Catholic and started attending Catholic school. Her mom married a man who is Mormon and they had a daughter. When my stepdaughter was 8, she received her First Holy Communion. A a couple months later, we found out that her mom and stepdad decided to be sealed in the Mormon temple. Since my stepdaughter was 8, she had to be baptised Mormon in order to be sealed with them. We didn’t mind the sealing part since we don’t recognize it. But the joining the Mormon church was another story. Her mom left the decision up to her which we did not agree with. She had be raised Catholic and just received Communion and then she was supposed to make a decision like this? Anyway, she is now 12. We have told her that eventually she will have to make a decision as to which church she wants to be a member of but haven’t pushed the issue. It seems to us that she thinks the differences in the churchs are things like how long the services last, what the dress code is, etc. Yesterday, she made the comment to me about choosing her parents when she was in Heaven before she was born. I told her that was something the Mormons believe but the Catholics don’t and left it at that. Obviously, we need to start explaining the real differences between the two churches. Does any one have any suggestions on how to approach this subject with a 12 year old who lives with her mom and step dad who are Mormon? We can use all the help we can get.