Another RCIA class of Bible readings I’ve already read several times in my life. I do hope the catecumans are learning something from these weekly bible readings, because I surely am not.
There has been a slight change in future plans. Both Candidates and Catecumans are required to be at the 11 AM Mass next Sunday for the Rite Of Sending. But after that, only the Catecumans go to the Los Angeles Cathedral at 6 PM for the Rite Of Election
I, as the Candidate, go to the Los Angeles Cathedral for the Rite Of Calling at 6 PM on Sunday, 11 March
On 10 March, we have a mini-retreat for me and the Catecumans at another Church in Palos Verde, 10 AM - 4 PM
Almost forgot, the three scrutinies are 11, 18, and 25 March. I joyfully anticipate another underwhelming experience
There has been a slight change in future plans. Both Candidates and Catecumans are required to be at the 11 AM Mass next Sunday for the Rite Of Sending. But after that, only the Catecumans go to the Los Angeles Cathedral at 6 PM for the Rite Of Election
I, as the Candidate, go to the Los Angeles Cathedral for the Rite Of Calling at 6 PM on Sunday, 11 March
On 10 March, we have a mini-retreat for me and the Catecumans at another Church in Palos Verde, 10 AM - 4 PM
Almost forgot, the three scrutinies are 11, 18, and 25 March. I joyfully anticipate another underwhelming experience