RCIA at one parish, Mass at another?

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I was wondering if anyone thought it was a big issue for me to go to RCIA at one parish, but Mass at another? I’m a college student w/out a vehicle so i attend RCIA during the week at the Catholic center here on campus(it’s within walking distance), but i CAN’T STAND their Sunday masses! They’ve got the whole guitars and drums thing going on and it just seems very contemporary, so on the weekend when my bf comes to visit me I’ve been having him drive me a much more traditional parish. I just wondered if I needed to let anyone know that i was doing this(like the instructors) or if it wasn’t a big deal. I noticed that during sunday mass at the traditional church, they call all their candidates and catechumans to go somewhere else in the church right before the eucharist- and of course i don’t go because i’m not in their program, but i didn’t know if i was missing out on a big part of the “being a candidate” process…:confused: i just feel kind of bad telling the other parish that i don’t like their services…
I was wondering if anyone thought it was a big issue for me to go to RCIA at one parish, but Mass at another? I’m a college student w/out a vehicle so i attend RCIA during the week at the Catholic center here on campus(it’s within walking distance), but i CAN’T STAND their Sunday masses! They’ve got the whole guitars and drums thing going on and it just seems very contemporary, so on the weekend when my bf comes to visit me I’ve been having him drive me a much more traditional parish. I just wondered if I needed to let anyone know that i was doing this(like the instructors) or if it wasn’t a big deal. I noticed that during sunday mass at the traditional church, they call all their candidates and catechumans to go somewhere else in the church right before the eucharist- and of course i don’t go because i’m not in their program, but i didn’t know if i was missing out on a big part of the “being a candidate” process…:confused: i just feel kind of bad telling the other parish that i don’t like their services…
I would suggest that you make a trip over to the parish and speak with the RCIA director or Pastor and explain your situation. RCIA is more than a class, it is a Liturgical process and formation in the Community. You should be received at the parish, that is not to say that the instruction cannot take place at the center. I was involved with a campus RCIA several years ago. It had sessions during the week at the Catholic center on campus and everyone went over to the Parish for Sunday Mass and the Rites. I’m sure that you will be able to continue as you are and join them (if you are not Baptized) at the Sunday dismissal from Mass.
As the process draws on, there will be some things at Mass in which you will be included, the Scrutanies, the Rite of Sending, and of course the Vigil.

Maybe you could be enrolled in RCIA at the Parish you attend, so you can participate in the Rites there, but, go to classes at the Newman center?
there are a few Masses where you will need to attend whatever church your RCIA is associated with. (reception of the Catechumens and etc)
you do not need to attend mass at the same parish you study with.

i WOULD tell your RCIA person that you are attending Mass weekly, but not on Campus, as you spend weekends out of town. at least that way they know you are going to Mass.

because i work weekends, i knew my Mass attendance would be… eclectic. i often attended mass in different states every weekend! (i sell yarn and things at conventions, so i travel) or went to the late night Mass in a different church. I told my RCIA instructor what my situation was so they would know. it wasnt an issue, but it helped them to know i was actually attending Mass.
Dear Cowgirl89 - When I went through RCIA, the scrutiny thing didn’t happen till the following year. We didn’t get sent out of the Mass for sister’s homily till later in the process. The real joke of it was I thought Father’s homily was spot on, okie dokie and straight to the heart, but sister had a problem pretending she was giving a better one than he did. Learning about the stuff I needed to to be a good catholic had to be done outside of sister’s time to be the homilist. They gave her a long retreat after it was all over. Somewhere down the shore. I still get miffed over the Sacrilege I had to take part in to get Baptised. So, if you feel a little put out till you learn to put up with the drum beats of the natives…

ummmmmmmmmmmmm… I try to meditate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and offer up a Holy Hour of Reparation at Adoration usually just after Mass where I go. But lately my arrythmia has been preventing me. ooooops sorry. I’m in the process of dying. Pray for me.


there are a few Masses where you will need to attend whatever church your RCIA is associated with. (reception of the Catechumens and etc) but you do not need to attend mass at the same parish you study with.
You can’t state that so absolutely.

The OP needs to check with the RCIA director or pastor. I regularly explain to people that becoming Catholic is not just joining the universal church, but joining a particular parish community as well. And part of joining a community is praying together with them. If they can’t (or don’t want to) join us on Sunday mornings then we’re not the right parish for them for RCIA.
Dear Cowgirl89 -

ummmmmmmmmmmmm… I try to meditate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and offer up a Holy Hour of Reparation at Adoration usually just after Mass where I go. But lately my arrythmia has been preventing me. ooooops sorry. I’m in the process of dying. Pray for me.


i will pray for an easy passing for you, and for your family…
This is what I’m doing, with the knowledge and blessing of the RCIA director also the priest at that parish).
But I have to say, I’m starting to wonder if it’s a good idea.
it is perfectly alright to attend the class at a time and place that is convenient, and attend Mass elsewhere. You might want to contact the parish where you are going to Mass, perhaps their class is better for you, especially if you are not happy with the way your class is conducted. Bear in mind that in parishes RCIA often happens in conjunction with a specific Mass, and certainly the rites as they occur should be celebrated in the context of Mass.
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