We have begun a year-round process in our parish and as a result we will not be having any catechumens being baptized at this year’s Easter Vigil. We are going to have a candidate’s profession of faith, but he is only one of about 6. We would like to have a couple of anointings in the place of the scrutinies and I am needing a bit of guidance in this area. Can you suggest any prayers/services, etc. that we can use? I know there is an anointing in the RCIA rite book, but we would like to use something different. We would like to have perhaps 2 or 3 anointings perhaps at different Masses or maybe even at one of our weekly sessions. We would like to have other members of the church who may not go to the normal RCIA 9a.m. Sunday Mass get acquainted with those coming into our church. I’d appreciate anything you can suggest.