I went through RCIA last year. The teaching itself was fairly good. But the organization was absolutely horrible. It was very hard to get information on events or how to do things.
- By agreement, I didn’t attend the first half of RCIA classes, as I had a schedule conflict. I had studied on my own enough to feel comfortable with the basic doctrine… This resulted in me missing all the dismissals for this period as well, along with the Rite of Welcoming. Not because I was unable to attend these, but because despite my inquiries as to whether there was anything else going on I was not informed of these.
- When winter came I stopped being able to get to the Mass at which the dismissals were held at, because I had no car. I was told repeatedly someone would find something, but nothing was ever done.
- We were instructed to write a letter to the bishop. I had trouble at first understanding the directions, especially as I did not want to write about my (extremely messy) past. It was very difficult and I ended up going through multiple all-out breakdowns just trying to get it done. But the only thing I could ever get was “you have to do it, stop being difficult.”
- I had selected a non-local sponsor. I inquired at the beginning what would be needed. I was told that they’d need some records, like giving records, of attendance. I said I wasn’t sure how to get those and was told “just get his confirmation records.” I asked repeatedly what I needed to do. The week before easter I was told that we needed more paperwork and he wouldn’t be able to be my sponsor. She told me a complete stranger was going to be put in that place. When I tried to communicate that I didn’t think this was acceptable (or particularly respectful of the role), I was accused by the person in charge of the program of “not caring what the church requires” and “just being selfish”, as well as heavily implying that the person I’d chosen probably wasn’t a faithful Catholic. I was unable to speak a full sentence to her until I resorted to yelling.