Rcia-easter vigil

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So I’ve learned so much in rcia and made so many new friends . And I was getting excited about the easter vigil then I send out an email to about 17 friend and a few family members mom,sister. Well none of my freinds Want to come because it’s so long and late 7:30pm till 10:30. And mom and sister feel the same their not catholic or anything .i feel this is a big thing in my life next to married and death. I’m the kind of freind that is always their for my friends . I feel very hurt by them not coming

I’m sorry to hear this. Just remember that you still have family that will be there with you. The other RCIA students as well as the whole parish. You’re going to be welcomed into the Kingdom of God. Pray that your friends and family will have a change of heart, but don’t forget that you will have family present regardless of who shows up!

I’m coming into the faith at the Easter Vigil as well and I’m so excited.

In God’s Grace,
I recommend meditating on how our Lord felt after being abandonded by his apostles, and rejected three times by Peter. Become united with Jesus in this time.

He was very sad for a while. It was a desparately sad Thursday evening that transformed into a horrific Friday morning and Friday afternoon.

However, a universal-wide quake occurred on Sunday morning. Get ready!
I’m sorry your friends and relatives aren’t planning on showing up, please don’t spoil this moment in your life by holding it against them.

But do take the opportunity to start getting involved in your new parish community, and you will be sure to make a few new friends that share your faith and vision! And pray for your old friends and family that they might be touched spiritually somehow by your journey, and perhaps start considering the Catholic faith as something they too would like to have for their very own!

God bless you!
im happy that one good friend ive had for the last 12 years will be there so that makes me very happy:thumbsup: . i know that we are post to forgive people . should i tell the peolpe after that how much it hurt me
I understand how you feel, but don’t let it spoil the joyous occasion for you!

Unfortunately, many of us converts pay a high price when we enter the church…some of us see relationships with our family and friends strained because they don’t understand the Church or, worse, actively oppose it. But it is all worth it, because we are entering the biggest family in the world – the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church! We’re doing what God wants us to do, in the Church that He established!

You might consider reiterating, especially to your family, how important this is to you – that it’s like a wedding in its level of importance in your life – and tell them once more how much you want them to be there. But, in the end, if they don’t come, they don’t come.

Maybe you could offer a prayer for them during the Vigil Mass (perhaps after you receive the Eucharist and return to your seat). Try not to harbor any resentment. Even though it hurts if they choose not to come, you should forgive them. They probably don’t realize how much it hurts you.

God bless you!
Some of my family are ok with me converting last Easter - Though the did not come to the services. However my RCIA family was there, and those new people I met in Church were there.

Now a strange thing is I saw a coworker when I was waiting for one of the Rites (before the 1st Scrutiny) and discovered quite a few coworkers that worked no more than 20 feet from me were Catholic, and on my own team… Religion never came up before…

You may discover people you never knew were Catholic, and be very welcoming to you.
=sunnyfl;7783087]So I’ve learned so much in rcia and made so many new friends . And I was getting excited about the easter vigil then I send out an email to about 17 friend and a few family members mom,sister. Well none of my freinds Want to come because it’s so long and late 7:30pm till 10:30. And mom and sister feel the same their not catholic or anything .i feel this is a big thing in my life next to married and death. I’m the kind of freind that is always their for my friends . I feel very hurt by them not coming

Welcome Home!

That my friend is the key to happiness… don’t look ourside yourself; seek a closer personal relationship with our God IN PERSON! You get to receive Jesus Christ; Body; Blood; Soul And Divinity… WOW!👍 How awesome is that!

Learn, live and share your faith; you may well be the “only bible” that they will ever read.

Accept what God gives us; it always more than sufficient.

Love and prayers,
I wouldn’t tell them how hurt you were. If you must say anything, just tell the person that you were so sorry they couldn’t make it, and leave it at that. And if you must say something further, just tell them about the event itself, how inspired you were, how nice the choir sounded, how beautifully the church was decorated, that sort of thing. But I’m willing to be that you are going to be so caught up in the ceremonies and sacraments themselves, you probably will not notice their absence all that much. Focus on the sacraments you are about to receive, and enjoy yourself! And when you do run into these people, tell them about the occasion with the joy of a true Christian in your heart and a big smile on your face.
So I’ve learned so much in rcia and made so many new friends . And I was getting excited about the easter vigil then I send out an email to about 17 friend and a few family members mom,sister. Well none of my freinds Want to come because it’s so long and late 7:30pm till 10:30. And mom and sister feel the same their not catholic or anything .i feel this is a big thing in my life next to married and death. I’m the kind of freind that is always their for my friends . I feel very hurt by them not coming
I’m in the same situation. I’m at university and getting baptised/confirmed tomorrow also! My university is about 2 hours away from home so none of my immediate family are able to get there that late, it would be too expensive to justify staying overnight for and none of them are particularly religious (or if they are, they’re not Catholic and don’t exactly approve - like my mother who is a Methodist).

Therefore my only hope was my boyfriend. He’s an atheist, respects my views and everything (he honestly does) yet does not want to get involved in a religious ceremony, he says it would make him feel uncomfortable to be there. Especially as there’s a drinking festival he’s been looking forward to on the same day.

But as other posters have said - you shall have a new extended family! 🙂
I’m so sorry! Still, your parish family will be there with you and I know they are very happy to receive you into the Catholic Church. Easter Vigil is a beautiful experience. This will be my third one - the first one being when I was received into the Church.

We’re glad to have you!
sunnyfl – remember this evening that in the Litany of Saints we invoke the Saints to join with us in our communion to and with each other. The entire Church is celebrating together. All the baptized, our Blessed Mother, the Apostles and all the Angels and Saints, are celebrating your baptism!

Happy Easter everyone! I am now in full communion with the Catholic Church. 🙂

May God bless all other converts this Easter, we truly are blessed already.
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