I have a confession. I hate RCIA. I love our Lord, the Holy Mother, and the holy Catholic Church, but going to RCIA is painful, bordering on unbearable. I’m going to list some of the things that are making me crazy and I fully expect to be written off as a whiner or malcontent, and that’s OK. I’ve just got to get this off my chest and hopefully see if I’m alone in these feelings.
I have a confession. I hate RCIA. I love our Lord, the Holy Mother, and the holy Catholic Church, but going to RCIA is painful, bordering on unbearable. I’m going to list some of the things that are making me crazy and I fully expect to be written off as a whiner or malcontent, and that’s OK. I’ve just got to get this off my chest and hopefully see if I’m alone in these feelings.
- No structure. We start late and end early. The lessons have only a vague form and a series of questions starts us off on many tangents.
- The material is simple beyond reason. We spent nearly a full hour explaining how to look up things in the Bible and how the whole chapter/verse thing works. We reviewed that again tonight.
- Factual errors. No, the senate of the United States never “voted that Mary is the protectoress of the country”. No, the constitution of the United States does not say, “The US shall forever remain a Christian nation.”
- Doctrinal errors. Things that clearly contradict the CCC. For example, “To get to heaven, just be good and hope that God is happy with you.”