First of all, I personally felt more “protestantized” than catechized when going through RCIA. We transferred to 3 different RCIA classes before finally just giving in. I found myself as a protestant, defending the Catholic Church against Catholics. CRAZY! This wasn’t just one time. This was almost at every class. We heard things such as, “you don’t have to believe in purgatory; the Catholic Church is not the kingdom of Christ; all that matters is your personal relationship with Jesus, you can go to any church; Christ’s divinity is not clear in scripture; you don’t have to confess your sins to your priest, you can’t lose your salvation”. At another parish we heard things like, “you don’t have to believe Adam and Eve were real people” and “hopefully someday women will be allowed to be priests”. What a joke!
Those who are coming into full communion who have already been baptized and practicing Christians should never have to go through RCIA. I think Catholics have a bad habit of forgetting what RCIA stands for (Rite of CHRISTIAN Initiation for Adults). That’s right “Christian” not “Catholic”. If the person is already a Christian there is no reason why they should have to go through a Christian initiation.
I’m grateful that I am now in full communion; however, I really feel bad for Christian converts who continue to have to go through that ****. It took my family and I about 5 years to finally make it through simply because of all the nonsense we had to listen to.
If you are having to go through RCIA may the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Those who are coming into full communion who have already been baptized and practicing Christians should never have to go through RCIA. I think Catholics have a bad habit of forgetting what RCIA stands for (Rite of CHRISTIAN Initiation for Adults). That’s right “Christian” not “Catholic”. If the person is already a Christian there is no reason why they should have to go through a Christian initiation.
I’m grateful that I am now in full communion; however, I really feel bad for Christian converts who continue to have to go through that ****. It took my family and I about 5 years to finally make it through simply because of all the nonsense we had to listen to.
If you are having to go through RCIA may the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.