I changed my religious profile from Protestant to RCIA. It’s going to take awhile for me to be confirmed so hadn’t really thought about it. I probably will just change my religion to Catholic when the time comes and leave it at that. I don’t status update very often, mostly just post pictures of my children occasionally for friends and relatives out of town. Right now I have a couple “friends” that are atheist and like to bash all religions. I don’t like it, they’re mostly just aquaintances-trying to decide if I should unfriend. My friends who aren’t atheist don’t preach to them so why do they seem to go out of there way with all this atheist stuff? Sorry didn’t mean to go off on a rant but back to your original question—I keep everything pretty much on FB-political, religious, or otherwise just in my profile. Otherwise, it seems like I can get drawn into debates over stuff, then I get mad, so what’s the point? I don’t think it’s disrespectul to post your confirmation there. I think it’s great and by the way, Congratulations!!!