RCIA: Session 1

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Hi everyone, after months of going to Mass tomorrow I will finally begin the RCIA. Can anyone tell me what I should expect? I’m guessing the first few sessions are introductions more than anything?

Thank you and God bless,

Welcome to “Boot Camp” Andy 😉

I think you made a good decision.

I have been involved in the RCIA program in three parishes and two dioceses. The curriculum was pretty much the same but all were quite different. It depends on the local parish, the pastor and who is running the program…usually the director of religious education.

I joined the RCIA “Team” in my first parish and that spoiled me for the others. It was a large parish (4000 families) The pastor was very enthusiastic and 100% for the Program. The director of Religious Ed. actually LIVED for RCIA. Every year we had at least 40 to 60 catechumens and candidates and an equal number of parishioners who just wanted to know more about their faith. It was exciting, emotional, magical, and, for me very fulfilling.

My next parish had a large RCIA Program but it lacked the “spark” of my first. there was also a problem with the Religious Ed director.

My current parish is very small and there is not much interest in the program.

So my answer to you is: Your RCIA journey will depend on your parish and you. There is a lot to learn and experience. ( here’s a tip…don’t forget to learn about pot-lucks and Bingo)
Hi everyone, after months of going to Mass tomorrow I will finally begin the RCIA. Can anyone tell me what I should expect? I’m guessing the first few sessions are introductions more than anything?

Thank you and God bless,

I made the mistake of having my newest Catechists lead the first few meetings in September, so my RCIA people got dropped off the deep end. This is because my newest Catechists were under the impression that they had to force-feed the entire Catechism to the people on their very first day.

Now that my more experienced Catechists are teaching the classes, it’s a lot easier for the members of the group. Luckily, the group is gung-ho and enthusiastic, so we didn’t lose too many in the first few weeks. 😛

That having been said - yes, ideally, the first few weeks are a “Getting to know you” time. But your mileage will definitely vary. Welcome aboard! 🙂
Thanks everyone, I’ve been waiting for this moment for months, can’t wait! 😃
Hello, I am in RCIA we had a church tour last week and will celebrate the the Rite of Welcoming/Acceptance this Sunday. The first couple of weeks are periods of inquiry… You will get to know basic Church teachings.
I am starting my 1st RCIA class tomorrow. I’m anxious to find out what its gonna be like. I’ve heard it can vary significantly between different parishes so i’m not sure what its gonna be like at mine. Gonna be a kind of baptism by fire. I’ll follow up tomorrow and explain how it went for me.
My 1st RCIA class went really great. After our dismissal, we went to our classroom and we went over advent and it’s meaning and history. We read out of mathew and discussed our thoughts on the scripture. There are 9 of us in all. Most of us are there to receive baptism. One person is there for confirmation. It was a very involved group and i thoroughly enjoyed it. I can’t wait for Sunday’s class 🙂 Me and a few others are gonna be going through the Rite of Acceptance in about two weeks so i am also very excited about that also. I am so grateful the Holy Spirit guided me to the church and is giving me this amazing honor. 🙂
=yeezus;11391641]Hi everyone, after months of going to Mass tomorrow I will finally begin the RCIA. Can anyone tell me what I should expect? I’m guessing the first few sessions are introductions more than anything?
Thank you and God bless,
Hi Andy!


I taught RCIA for 3 years, and while each parish is a bit different; the goal is to provide SUFFICIENT information about our beliefs and practices for you to determine if God is calling YOU HOME to His One God; with One Faith through His One Church [Eph. 4:4-8]

Because of limited time and a Rapidly approaching Easter; topics are summarized and not covered in depth. So ask alot of questions.

Let us know if we can help.

God Bless you,
Patrick [PJM] here on the FORUM
I started RCIA in my home town in England in October, but only saw the programme was starting the day before the first class, so I didn’t have much time to think about it or get nervous! I was able to attend a couple of classes and then we were scheduled to return to Italy, where we spend quite a few months of the year, so I also had a couple of individual meetings with the priest which were great - he is a wonderful communicator and so kind. The other members of our RCIA group are much younger than me, are from different countries and have very different faith backgrounds, so it’s a diverse little group. I was confirmed in the Church of England, another there is Lutheran from Eastern Europe, one is a baptised Catholic from Asia who hasn’t been confirmed.

For the last 2 months, I’ve been attending Mass in our village in Italy - as I speak virtually no Italian, it’s been an interesting experience! We will be back in England next week and I have an RCIA class as soon as we return. I am so looking forward to it, and to remaining in England for the next 6 months so that I can properly continue with the RCIA programme.

God bless everyone here who is starting out on a new journey of faith. It has taken me 55 years to get to this point. 🙂
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