Welcome to “Boot Camp” Andy
I think you made a good decision.
I have been involved in the RCIA program in three parishes and two dioceses. The curriculum was pretty much the same but all were quite different. It depends on the local parish, the pastor and who is running the program…usually the director of religious education.
I joined the RCIA “Team” in my first parish and that spoiled me for the others. It was a large parish (4000 families) The pastor was very enthusiastic and 100% for the Program. The director of Religious Ed. actually LIVED for RCIA. Every year we had at least 40 to 60 catechumens and candidates and an equal number of parishioners who just wanted to know more about their faith. It was exciting, emotional, magical, and, for me very fulfilling.
My next parish had a large RCIA Program but it lacked the “spark” of my first. there was also a problem with the Religious Ed director.
My current parish is very small and there is not much interest in the program.
So my answer to you is: Your RCIA journey will depend on your parish and you. There is a lot to learn and experience. ( here’s a tip…don’t forget to learn about pot-lucks and Bingo)