My name is Hope.
For more years than I want to admit, I have belonged to LDS (mormon) church. I joined as a teen, and did not look at other religions at the time. Looking back, all I can say was that I was in an extremely emotionally abusive situation and needed to feel wanted somewhere. The LDS church filled that need for a time - but through the years it could not fulfill my need for finding purpose in my life, or true happiness. I really gave it a very strong push over this past year. I did everything I knew how to do. And through all of the church meetings and activities, and doing what I was asked to do as well as I could, and counseling with my bishop, and a church social worker, and other things, I continued to pray sincerely and humbly for help, but my unhappiness remained.
And then this past February, I came upon a blog online that mentioned Lent. I didn’t know what Lent was, so I looked it up. And what I read made a lot of sense, and then I came upon something called the Stations of the Cross. At first I felt a sort of aversion to “the cross” but something told me to read on. I did, and I was deeply touched by what I was reading. It was like manna to my soul. I realized that this message focused on Jesus was what had been missing from my life and from the church I belonged to. I decided to learn about and to observe Lent this year. And things began to happen. I began finding much longed for answers.
One weekday morning, I guess it was after the first Sunday of Lent, I stopped to visit a nearby Catholic church and was amazed to find the door open. I felt welcome there. I looked at the Stations of the Cross and decided I would attend Mass that Sunday. I read everything I could find about Mass so that I’d have some idea of what was going on. And when Sunday came, I went quietly and sat in the back. It was a beautiful and emotional experience for me to watch and when the Mass was nearly over I couldn’t keep myself from singing the hymn.
I kept studying and reading posts on this forum and looking up things that were new to me. The next week I attended my own church - but couldn’t stay. I had to leave. I realized that my prayers had been answered over the past year as it seems I was being prepared for this unimaginable change. Mormon to Catholic? The next week I attended Mass again, and as I walked down the street afterward I felt - could it be? Happiness? I made an appointment to speak with the Priest I had met my first Sunday there. We had a good and thorough visit, and afterward, as I walked again down the street away from the church I felt a sense of happiness come over me - and it has remained.
Five weeks of Lent. It’s truly been a time of conversion for me! I can’t express to you how I feel compared to how I have felt for years - I can’t remember the last time I truly felt happy. It feels like a blinding fog has lifted from my eyes, and the weight of an oppressive sort of life, lifted from my heart. I feel free. And I feel happy.
Yesterday I met the director of education at our parish and learned that RCIA is going to begin on April 11!!! I thought I would be waiting until the fall, but they have decided to begin now and to meet every other week following Mass for the time being. Yay!!
Most of my present concern is to unlearn what I have been taught and to replace it with truth as taught from the Bible.
And there is also the worry of the friends I stand to lose as I make this very big change in my life.
I want to participate more on this forum but I don’t want to be pulled into any debates between Catholics and the Mormons. My decision is not open for debate.
This next year is for learning what I’ve waited a lifetime to find. I am so grateful RCIA begins in two weeks!
My name is Hope.
For more years than I want to admit, I have belonged to LDS (mormon) church. I joined as a teen, and did not look at other religions at the time. Looking back, all I can say was that I was in an extremely emotionally abusive situation and needed to feel wanted somewhere. The LDS church filled that need for a time - but through the years it could not fulfill my need for finding purpose in my life, or true happiness. I really gave it a very strong push over this past year. I did everything I knew how to do. And through all of the church meetings and activities, and doing what I was asked to do as well as I could, and counseling with my bishop, and a church social worker, and other things, I continued to pray sincerely and humbly for help, but my unhappiness remained.
And then this past February, I came upon a blog online that mentioned Lent. I didn’t know what Lent was, so I looked it up. And what I read made a lot of sense, and then I came upon something called the Stations of the Cross. At first I felt a sort of aversion to “the cross” but something told me to read on. I did, and I was deeply touched by what I was reading. It was like manna to my soul. I realized that this message focused on Jesus was what had been missing from my life and from the church I belonged to. I decided to learn about and to observe Lent this year. And things began to happen. I began finding much longed for answers.
One weekday morning, I guess it was after the first Sunday of Lent, I stopped to visit a nearby Catholic church and was amazed to find the door open. I felt welcome there. I looked at the Stations of the Cross and decided I would attend Mass that Sunday. I read everything I could find about Mass so that I’d have some idea of what was going on. And when Sunday came, I went quietly and sat in the back. It was a beautiful and emotional experience for me to watch and when the Mass was nearly over I couldn’t keep myself from singing the hymn.
I kept studying and reading posts on this forum and looking up things that were new to me. The next week I attended my own church - but couldn’t stay. I had to leave. I realized that my prayers had been answered over the past year as it seems I was being prepared for this unimaginable change. Mormon to Catholic? The next week I attended Mass again, and as I walked down the street afterward I felt - could it be? Happiness? I made an appointment to speak with the Priest I had met my first Sunday there. We had a good and thorough visit, and afterward, as I walked again down the street away from the church I felt a sense of happiness come over me - and it has remained.
Five weeks of Lent. It’s truly been a time of conversion for me! I can’t express to you how I feel compared to how I have felt for years - I can’t remember the last time I truly felt happy. It feels like a blinding fog has lifted from my eyes, and the weight of an oppressive sort of life, lifted from my heart. I feel free. And I feel happy.
Yesterday I met the director of education at our parish and learned that RCIA is going to begin on April 11!!! I thought I would be waiting until the fall, but they have decided to begin now and to meet every other week following Mass for the time being. Yay!!
Most of my present concern is to unlearn what I have been taught and to replace it with truth as taught from the Bible.
And there is also the worry of the friends I stand to lose as I make this very big change in my life.
I want to participate more on this forum but I don’t want to be pulled into any debates between Catholics and the Mormons. My decision is not open for debate.
This next year is for learning what I’ve waited a lifetime to find. I am so grateful RCIA begins in two weeks!