No kidding! Unfortunately most fallen-away Catholics don’t really approach the teachings of the Church on a rational level if you try to bring things up with them. Most that I know seem to have been hurt by Catholics in their lives and digest fundamentalist/evangelical/secular garbage to fuel their depression and anger and refuse to examine the teachings of the Church rationally. All we can do is pray for them, really.Congratulations to all of you RCIA-ers! I can’t tell you how inspiring it is for me (a cradle Catholic who loves my faith) to know RCIA-ers and converts. The converts in my parish are the most awe-inspiring Catholics. Now, if we could just bottle that enthusiasm and joy, and inject it into the the fallen away Catholics… God bless you all!
Brenda, many thanks! I am attending a ‘get together’ this weekend with the parish priest, his assistant and the RCIA chairman as well as the other participants. I am sure I will have lots of questions but now I don’t feel I’m walking in totally in the dark. Thank you again for the welcome. I am really looking forward to this new beginningI
And Lisa, in case no one has answered you already, yes, each parish will run its RCIA program just a little differently. Usually lasts from around September till Easter, most likely one meeting per week of 1-3 hrs. Homework? Depends on your catechist (teacher), but if so, it will be easily completed. Please have no anxieties over the program itself. It is meant to give you all the information and tools you need to joyfully say “yes” to the Church.
Welcome to all of our new saints-in-training!
Brenda M.