Tonight my husband and I start RCIA… not as candidates… as helpers. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. Any advice?
Prayers coming your way!!!God bless you in this most vital and most under-served ministry. Please pray that I can finally build a real RCIA team this year.
Oh PuzzleAnnie… You are soooo good!!! Thanks for saying what I needed to hear. Session 2 was last Wed and my woman was very disoriented. When I asked how she was doing during break we talked about her new meds and her counseling. I think she thinks she is more a mess than she really is… she is so hard on herself! I am attempting not to scare her off but establish a relationship with her to help her feel less alone. I guess her husband works tons of hours and she doesn’t see him until ater 7-8 each night. DH and I decided to pray for her to want to go to the school auction with us and gently ease her into our group of friends.BlestOne’s story makes the vital point that getting to know the candidates does not usually happen during class, but outside, and that knowledge contains a vital core you need to help them progress. So it is so important to build in contacts outside the class per se. That is one reason why adding Breaking Open the Word, with an element of faith sharing, adds so much, and why a formal academic class is important, but not enough on its own.